Visit Name Format
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Visit Name Format

Visit names need to be unique across protocols. By default, the system auto-generates visit names if no format is set or the user does not specify the visit name manually. The user can alternatively set format at the protocol level to generate visit names automatically in the required format using the below tokens.

Tokens to generate visit name

You can create and set different formats to auto-generate visit names using specific tokens.

 Click here to view the tokens...
Token name

Event label as specified in collection protocole.g., If the visit name format is '%PPI%_%EVENT_LABEL%.%EVENT_UID(2)%', visit name generated will be '00011_Visit-01.01', where '00011' is the PPI, 'Visit-01' is the event label, and '01' is the unique identifier.

Event code as specified in the collection protocole.g., If the label format is '%PPI%_%EVENT_CODE%_%SYS_UID%', label generated will be 'TT1-009_T01_39333', where 'T01' is the event code set while creating events, 'TT1-009' is the PPI, and '39333'' is the unique sequence number related to a specific PPI.

Assigns a unique identifier that is unique to an event for each PPID. The argument n is optional and specifies the number of digits in the generated identifier. No padding is done on the left side of the generated identifier when not specified.For example:%EVENT_UID% generates IDs like 1, 2, 3, 4, ...10,11 etc.%EVENT_UID(2)% generates IDs like 01, 02, 03, 04, ... 10, 11 etc.e.g., If the visit name format is '%PPI%_%EVENT_LABEL%.%EVENT_UID(2)%', visit name generated will be 'PW-0001_Visit-01.02', where 'PW-0001' is the PPI, 'Visit-01' is the event label and '02' is the unique identifier.

Participant protocol IDe.g., If the visit name format is '%PPI%_%EVENT_LABEL%.%EVENT_UID(2)%', visit name generated will be 'PW-0001_Visit-01.03', where 'PW-0001' is the PPI, 'Visit-01' is the event label, and '03' is the unique identifier.


The unique identifier generated by the system across all events and participants.

(n): Optionally specify the number of digits. For example, if (2) is used, then the numbers generated will be 01, 02, 03, etc.

e.g., If the visit name format is 'PW_%EVENT_LABEL%_%SYS_UID(2)%', the visiting name generated will be 'PW_Visit-01_49', where 'Visit-01' is the event label and '49' is the unique identifier generated by the system

Year of visit (four digits)e.g., If the visit name format is '%PPI%-%YR_OF_VISIT%-%EVENT_LABEL%.%EVENT_UID(2)%', the visit name generated will be 'KP-010012-2017-Visit-01.01', where 'KP-010012' is the PPI, '2017' year of visit, 'Visit-01' is the event label, and '01' is the unique event identifier.

Year of visit (two digits)e.g., If the visit name format is '%PPI%-%YR_OF_VISIT2%-%EVENT_LABEL%.%EVENT_UID(2)%', the visit name generated will be 'KP-010012-17-Visit-01.04' where 'KP-010012' is the PPI, '17' is the two digits year of collection, 'Visit-01' is the event label, and '04' is the unique sequence identifier.

Clinical statuse.g., If the visit name format is '%PPI%-%YR_OF_VISIT2%-%EVENT_LABEL%.%EVENT_UID(2)%%CLINICAL_STATUS%', the visit name generated will be 'KP-010013-17-Visit-01.01Follow-up', where 'KP-010013' is the PPI, 17' is the two digits year of collection, 'Visit-01' is the event label, '01' is the unique sequence identifier, and 'Follow-up' is the clinical status of the visit

Abbreviation for the clinical status. How to set abbreviations?e.g., If the visit name format is '%PPI%-%YR_OF_VISIT2%-%EVENT_LABEL%.%EVENT_UID(2)%_%CLINICAL_STATUS_ABBR
%', the visit name generated will be 'KP-010013-17-Visit-01.01_F', where 'KP-010013' is the PPI, 17' is the two digits year of collection, 'Visit-01' is the event label, '01' is the unique sequence identifier and 'F' is the abbreviation set for 'Follow-up.' clinical status

SITE_CODESystem configured code for the visit sitee.g., if the visit name format is %PPI%-%SITE_CODE%-%EVENT_UID(2)%, the generated visit name will be KP-010013-KH-01 where 'KP-010013' is the PPID, KH is site code configured for the site 'Kailas Hospital,' and '01' is the unique event identifier.

CUSTOM_FIELD(level, fieldName)

Include the value of any custom field identified by "fieldName" at the specified level. The field name is the same as the attribute name that appears in the custom form designer.

The allowed values of level for visit names are "visit," "CPR," and "cp".

  1. CUSTOM_FIELD(cp, piCode) will include the value of CP custom field "piCode" 
  2. CUSTOM_FIELD(cpr, patientId) will include the value of registration custom field "patientId"
  3. CUSTOM_FIELD(visit, visitNum) will include the value of visit custom field "visitNum"

The unique identifier generated by the system across all visits of the participant within a CP.

(n): Optionally specify the number of digits. For example, if (2) is used, then the numbers generated will be 01, 02, 03, etc.

e.g., If the visit name format is '%PPI%.V.%PPI_UID(2)%', the names generated will be 'PW.0001.V.01', 'PW.0001.V.02', 'PW.0001.V.03' for the participant PW.0001

The unique identifier generated by the system across all visits of the participant registered in multiple CPs. 

The participant will be registered with the same MRN in all protocols where it is registered, and all CPs will use the same visit token format

(n): Optionally specify the number of digits. For example, if (2) is used, then the numbers generated will be 01, 02, 03, etc.

e.g., If the visit name format is '%PPI%.V.%PUID(1)%', the names generated will be as shown below.

Collection Protocol





  • 1.83994.V1

  • 1.83994.V2



  • 1.83994.V3

  • 1.83994.V4



  • 1.83994.V5

  • 1.83994.V6


You can use the EVAL(expr) token to add advanced tokens at the visit level. This token includes the result of expression evaluation in the generated labels. The expression can be a field name or complex expression. 

 Click here to view the examples

Token Name




Will include the concept code of the first clinical diagnosis.


EVAL(#formatDate(#visit.visitDate, "yyyy")) 

Will include the visit year in the generated visit names.001_2023
EVAL(#formatDate(#visit.visitDate, "MM-dd-yyyy"))Will include the visit date in the generated visit names.001_01-01-2023
%EVAL(#visit.registration.externalSubjectId)% will output the external subject ID entered for participant registration 001_231412


 Click here to view the examples...

Default format

This will generate a visit name with participant protocol ID, clinical status, and a sequential number. For example, 'GC_0001.Operative.1'

Steps to configure visit name format

 Click here to view the steps...
  • Go to the collection protocols list page and click on the 'View Details' icon of the CP for which the PPID Format has to be set.
  • Click on the 'Settings' icon from the left side menu of the overview page and select the option 'Label Format and Print.' 

  • Set the desired visit name format and click on the 'Save' button.

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