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PPID Format
Shraddha Ranpise (Deactivated)
Ankita Chavan
Divya Prabhu (Unlicensed)
To auto-generate 'Participant Protocol ID (PPID)', the below tokens can be used. You can configure the PPID format at the collection protocol level, i.e., each protocol can have its own format.
Tokens to generate PPIDs
You can set the formats to auto-generate PPIDs for the participants using the specific tokens.
Token name | Description | Example |
CP_ID | An autogenerated number that uniquely identifies the CP in the system. | %CP_ID%-%CP_UID(2)%, PPID generated will be 7-01, 7-02, 7-03 etc. Here 7 is a unique ID assigned by the system to the CP when it was created. |
CP_CODE | CP code as specified in the collection protocol page. | %CP_CODE%.%CP_UID(2)%, PPID generated will be 'PW-02', where 'PW' is the CP code set while creating CP and '02' is the 2 digits unique identifier generated within the CP. |
CP_UID(n) | Generates a unique identifier within this CP. The argument n is optional and specifies the number of digits in the identifier. For example: %CP_UID% generates IDs like 1, 10, 1010 etc %CP_UID(5)% generates IDs like 00001, 00002, 00003, 00004, ... 00010, 00011 etc | %CP_CODE%.%CP_UID(4)%, PPID generated will be 'SPW-0004', where 'SPW' is the CP code set while creating CP and '0004' is the 4 digits unique identifier generated within the CP. |
SYS_UID(n) | Assigns unique sequential numbers across all collection protocols. For example: Generates IDs like 1,2,3,.........101,102, etc. These numbers will be unique across all the collection protocols. (n): Optionally specify the number of digits. For example, if (2) is used, then the numbers generated will be 01, 02, 03, etc. | %SYS_UID%, PPID generated will be '36', the unique sequential number across all collection protocols |
CP_SITE_CODE | CP specific site code of participant's first MRN. The order of MRNs is based on the order in which they were assigned to the participant. The CP site code is defined in the collection protocol. | %CP_SITE_CODE%_%CP_UID(4)%, the PPID generated will be 'KP-01_0012', where 'KP-01' is the CP site code and '0012' is the unique sequential identifier within the CP. |
SITE_CODE | System-wide site code of participant's first MRN. The order of MRNs is based on the order in which they were assigned to the participant. This is specified on the site page. | %SITE_CODE%_%CP_UID(4)%, PPID generated will be 'KP_0013', where 'KP' is the site code, and '0013' is the 4 digits unique identifier within the CP. |
EXT_SUBJECT_ID | External subject ID specified during participant registration. External subject ID is a typically unique study-based or system-wide IDs assigned by external systems like OpenClinica, REDCap to identify the subjects or patients. Works v4.3 onward | %CP_CODE%-%EXT_SUBJECT_ID%, the generated PPID will be 'PW-OC-0001' where 'PW' is the CP code, and 'OC-0001' is external subject ID |
REG_SITE_CODE | CP site code of participant's registration site, if specified. Works v4.3 onward | %CP_CODE%-%EXT_SUBJECT_ID%-%REG_SITE_CODE%, then the generated PPID will look like 'PW-OC-0001-KP' where 'PW' is CP code, 'OC-0001' is external subject ID, and 'KP' is the CP site code for the registration site. |
CUSTOM_FIELD(level, fieldName) | Include the value of any custom field identified by "fieldName" at the specified level. The field name is the same as the attribute name that appears in the custom form designer. The allowed values of level are "cpr" and "cp" Works v5.0 onward |
Advance Tokens
You can use the EVAL(expr) token to add advanced tokens at the participant level. This token includes the result of expression evaluation in the generated labels. The expression can be a field name or complex expression.
Token Name | Description | Example |
%EVAL(#cpr.externalSubjectId)% | This will include the external subject ID in the generated PPIDs. | |
%EVAL(#cpr.participant.gender.value?.charAt(0))% | This will include the first character of the participant gender, if any, in the generated PPIDs. | |
%EVAL(#formatDate(#cpr.registrationDate, "yyyy"))% | This will include the registration year in the generated PPIDs. | |
%EVAL(#cpr.participant?.extension?.getAttrValues()['adapt'] == '1' ? 'A' : 'B')% | This will add A in the label if the adapt checkbox is checked and visa versa. | TIA_41_A |
%EVAL(#cpr.collectionProtocol.shortTitle)% | Includes CP short title in the label | |
%EVAL(#cpr.participant.empi)% | Includes the eMPI of the participant in the PPID |
Example | Description |
%CP_CODE%_%CP_UID(3)% | Each protocol can have a unique CP code that can be used as part of the PPID. This example format will generate PPID like 'GC_001' if the CP code is set as 'GC.' |
Steps to configure PPID format
- Go to the collection protocols list page and click on the 'View Details' icon of the CP for which the PPID Format has to be set.
- Click on the 'Settings' icon from the left side menu of the overview page and select the option 'Label Format and Print.'
- Set the desired PPID label format and click on the 'Save' button