Why and how specimens are closed?
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Why and how specimens are closed?

When a specimen is wholly processed, utilized, or destroyed, it can not be used further. Such samples can be marked as closed in OpenSpecimen to track that those specimens are no more available.

A closed specimen is a non-existing specimen whose record is still available but cannot be further processed or distributed.

Via UI

Close single specimen

Go to the ‘Overview’ page of the specimen for which you want to close it → click “More > Close.”

Fill the details such as user, date, and time of closing the specimen and reason.

Close multiple specimens

In many pages of OpenSpecimen, there is an 'Action' button using which multiple specimens can be closed at once. Refer to 'Bulk Operations On Specimens '. For example, the below screenshot shows visit overview page:


Via CSV bulk import

If you have the specimen labels list in a file for the specimens which need to be closed, you can use bulk import to close such samples.

Once you download the specimen template, follow steps below:

  1. Enter the CP Short title and Specimen Label for the samples that you wish to close.

  2. Enter the “Activity Status” as “Closed”

  3. Save the file and import the CSV in the “Update” mode.

Refer to detailed instructions here.

What happens when a specimen is closed?

Below are updates that happen to the specimen:

  • The status is shown as closed. If it were stored in a freezer spot, that would be freed up, and a transfer event is logged to indicate that. Disposal event with a reason for closure is added.

  • Closed specimens are shown in red in the tree view as below.

Users cannot edit closed specimens or add any events or forms data. If you want to edit the closed specimen, refer to How to edit closed specimens?


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