Timezone issues
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Timezone issues

You might sometimes see a date field that is off by a day. This is typically due to misconfiguration of the timezone settings.

There are three timezone settings you need to be aware of:

  1. User profile timezone.

  2. Field Configuration.

  3. Database timezone.

  4. Tomcat machine’s timezone.


User’s Timezone Setting

Typically, the users are in the same timezone as the database. If not, the user can configure their timezone on their profile page see below steps.

The timezone setting must correspond to the user's current city rather than the university or lab location.
I.e., if a user has traveled from ‘Los Angeles' (the university city) → 'New York’, their profile should reflect the timezone for "New York."

  1. Click on your profile in the top left corner:

  1. Set the timezone to the city you are in:


Field Configuration

Check the field if it is configured correctly. i.e. JSON configuration (Collection Protocol Specific or System Level).

Example: For the “Birth Date“ field, which is a date-only field, make sure to include the attribute "dateOnly": true, in the configuration.

Database and Tomcat Timezone

Your IT administrator configures these timezones, and both should be set to the same value. For example, EST, PST, GMT, etc.



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