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Where to find OS logs?

OpenSpecimen maintains application logs into its own log files.

The log is generated in the os.log file, which is present in $OS_DATA_DIR/logs/ folder. 

$OS_DATA_DIR - The directory's absolute path contains OpenSpecimen app data (Uploaded consents, path reports, logs, etc.). 

Data directory present inside the installation folder with the name "os-data". 

Download/Email os.log from UI


  1. Navigate to the 'Home→ Extras→ Errors

  2. Click on the 'View Logs' button to see all the os.log files.

  3. Click on the download icon to download or email icon to send the log file via EmailEmail.

  1. Once clicks on an email, it asks for the recipient's email address, provides the same, and clicks on send.

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