Container Utilisation Report
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Container Utilisation Report

The Container Utilisation Report contains details of the number of occupied and available positions at each container level within one or more freezer. This report is useful for freezer clean-up, consolidation, and finding suitable positions for new specimen batch.

Note: This feature is considerably enhanced in v10.0.

The report can be generated based on the following criteria:

  1. One or more top-level containers/freezers

  2. One or more collection protocols

  3. One or more container types

The generated report contains the following columns:

Column Names


Column Names


Container Name

Unique autogenerated name of container 

Container Display Name

Name of the container set by user for ease of accessibility

No. of Rows

Row numbers under a container 

No. of Column

Column numbers under a container 


The row number of the empty containers.

Utilized Positions 

The number of empty/available Positions in containers.

Free Positions 

Number of filled/occupied Positions in containers.

  1. From the containers page, click on Export → Utilisation Report


  2. Select parameters → Generate

Note: if no parameter is selected, all freezers in the system will be considered.

3. A CSV file will be downloaded and an email notification is sent with the link to download the report.

You can also get utilisation reports for individual utilisation reports e.g. specific shelf, rack, drawer, box, etc.

  • From container overview page, click Export → Utilisation.

  • Once you export the file, you will get a .zip file containing utilisation report for specific containers.


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