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Participant Draft Data Entry (v10.2)
In some universities, users need to fill long participant questionnaires. This information may/may not be available at the time of participant registration in the application.
For this purpose, the feature draft data entry is implemented in version 10.2. On enabling the setting at the CP level, users are allowed to save the participants along with its annotation data in draft mode. Draft mode means that there won't be any online validations or data edit checks performed.
This will allow the users
To partially fill the long questionnaire form
To partially fill the form where mandatory data is not available or unknown, and continue later from where they left.
Once they have added all the data they can click on 'Update' participant which changes the status to complete
Enable Draft Data Entry
Once this setting is enabled, the user will be able to see an option 'Save Draft' along with the other options 'Add Participant', 'Proceed to Collection' and 'Cancel'.
When a participant is saved in draft mode, the participant overview page indicates this by showing status as 'Draft' in orange color.
User will not be forced to enter data into any mandatory fields setup in the form or workflow when entering in draft mode. Even the edit checks validations will be performed when user updates the participant. The operations performed via user interface are available in the bulk import template as well.
Bulk Import Template
Participants bulk import template available inside the collection protocol has a new column ‘Data Entry Status’ added which accepts values 'DRAFT' and 'COMPLETE'.
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