Participant Custom Forms CSV
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Participant Custom Forms CSV


  1. The user should have 'Manage Forms' access.
  2. The user should have to create/update participant access.

Steps to import CSV 

  • Go to the collection protocols list page, click on 'More' button, and select the option 'Biospecimen Data'


  • Participant list view page of the collection protocol whose participants' custom form values have to be added/updated.
  • Click on the 'More' button and select the option 'Biospecimen Data'.

  • Select desired form, E.g., 'Smoking History Form' from the 'Select Record Type' dropdown and click on 'Download Template File' to download the template file.

  • Enter all valid data in the template file as mentioned in the 'Data Dictionary' table below.
  • Upload the filled template file in the 'Input Records File' field, select 'Import Type' as 'Create' to add or 'Update' to update values of the custom forms or 'Update Else Create' to either create or update record. For the 'Update Else create' feature please refer to Create & Update in Single Bulk Operation.
  • Click on the 'Validate and Import' button.
  • Refer 'Import status' to check the status of the import job.
  • To upload data for BO forms, the first two columns should be 'Collection Protocol' and 'PPID', followed by the columns of the custom forms.
  • If your form contains any 'Note' fields, the template would not have these as columns since these are non-data entry form fields.

Example Form

Smoking Health Annotation Form

Sample CSV


Data Dictionary

Column Name






DescriptionPermissible ValuesValidations
Smoking history IDIntegerNoNoThis is required only during the update. Please leave it blank during add.

The record for this custom form should exist within the system.

Record ID is system generated ID for every form record. To retrieve record ID, create a query to retrieve form records and include the form ID for the corresponding form in the query results' columns.

For multiple records, update the record id required.

Collection ProtocolStringYesYes

Short title of the collection protocol which should be existing within the system.

Participant Protocol ID of the participant which should be existing within the system.
Activity StatusStringNoNo
  • Active
  • Disabled
This is required only during an update to delete the form records.

To remove the existing records for the form, add 'Disabled'
AgentStringNoNoForm field-1

Years Agent FreeDoubleNoNoForm field-2

Other AgentStringNoNoForm field-3

Packs Per DayDoubleNoNoForm field-4

Duration#1#Duration In DaysDoubleNoNoForm field-5

In the case of subforms, 
multiple values can be specified by adding additional columns in the csv as:

Duration#2#Duration In Days

Duration#2#End Date

Duration#2#Start Date

Duration#3#Duration In Days

Duration#3#End Date

Duration#3#Start Date

Duration#1#End DateDateNoNoForm field-6

Select the correct date format from UI based on the data in the file.

Duration#1#Start DateDateNoNoForm field-7

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