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Hide unwanted fields from query interface


From 7.0 onwards, if the customer wants to hide any specific field from the query interface, it is possible via the external plugin.

For example: If the customer wants to hide comments from visits, consent tier from participant or coordinator field from the collection protocol section.

The below XML code needs to add in the same file that is used to add new fields from the plugin.


File location in plugin

XML code


File location in plugin

XML code



<hiddenFields> <field udn="type"/> <field udn="label"/> <field udn="class"/> </hiddenFields>

Hides specimen type, label, and class from the specimen filter.



<hiddenFields> <field udn="site"/> <field udn="barcode"/> <field udn="name"/> </hiddenFields>

Hides the site, barcode, and name from the visit filter.



<hiddenFields> <field udn="firstName"/> <field udn="middleName"/> </hiddenFields>

Hides first name, middle name from the participant filter.

Collection Protocol


Hides short title, title from collection protocol filter.

Note: user defined name (udn) for the fields can be retrieved from files present at openspecimen/WEB-INF/resources/query-forms/ location on OpenSpecimen GitHub repository.

Instructions to build the plugin:-

  1. Download the below zip file.

2. Unzip the file.

3. How to build code in eclipse.

File ---> Import ---> Existing gradle project

4. The existing code is for hiding unwanted fields from specimen query fields.

5. Remove the existing XML and directory from the code and create the directory in which type you want to hide the fields.

How to build the jar

A. gradle clean

B. gradle build

After running the above two commands, the new jar will get created into $Jar-Directory/build/libs/


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