Hide/Unhide Fields Based on Value of Another Field
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Hide/Unhide Fields Based on Value of Another Field


You can set fields to show or hide based on values selected in another field using a custom configuration. 

The rules added for skip logic are only reflected on add/edit pages. The overview page is a superset of all fields described in the data dictionary.

Below are some examples of how this feature can be used.


Show custom field based on the value of another custom field

Show the field 'Relation To Proband' only if the value of field 'Proband' is equal to 'No'.


Example code
{ "name": "cpr.participant.extensionDetail.attrsMap.DD15", "caption": "Relation To Proband", "type": "dropdown", "optional": true, "showIf": { "op": "AND", "rules": [ { "field": "cpr.participant.extensionDetail.attrsMap.RB10", "op": "==", "value": "'No'" } ] }, "listSource": { "apiUrl": "forms/permissible-values", "selectProp": "value", "displayProp": "value", "queryParams": { "dynamic": {}, "static": { "formName": "kMCParticipantExtension", "controlName": "DD15" } } } }

Screenshot when the field is hidden:

Screenshot when the field is shown:


Show custom field only on create aliquots page

Display the custom field 'Storage tube' field while creating the aliquots


Example code
{ "name": "specimen.extensionDetail.attrsMap.ST3", "caption": "Storage tube", "type": "text", "optional": "true", "showIf": { "op": "AND", "rules": [ { "field": "specimen.lineage", "op": "==", "value": "'Aliquot'" } ] } }


Show custom field when the visit date is greater than specified date

Show the 'COVID-19 Test Date' custom field only when the visit date is after 23 January 2020.


Example code
{ "name" : "visit.extensionDetail.attrsMap.DP13", "caption" : "COVID-19 Test Date", "type" : "date", "dateOnly" : true, "optional" : true, "showIf" : { "op" : "AND", "rules" : [ { "field" : "visit.visitDate", "op" : ">=", "value" : "1579717800000" } ] }, "showInOverviewIf" : "useShowIf" }


"1579717800000" is the number of milliseconds elapsed since Unix time Epoch on 23/01/2020 at 00:00:00 hrs UTC.

The number can be obtained from the sites like https://currentmillis.com/.


Show custom field based on specimen lineage and type

Display 'Upload image' custom field when the specimen lineage is 'New' and the specimen type is 'Whole Blood'.


Example code

The field looks like the below on the specimen overview page:

Show/Hide custom field based on specimen lineage and multiple type condition

Made Method field shows only if the Lineage=Aliquot and Type is RNA or DNA

Example code

Hide Custom Field For Newer Data Entry

Once legacy data is added, the custom field may become unnecessary for new entries, but should remain visible for existing records with values.

Example Code

Displays the "Core Size (mm)" field in the edit and overview page only if it has a value.

Explaination: Uses the double negation (!!) to check whether core_size_mm has a true value.
If core_size_mm is empty, null, or undefined, this condition will evaluate to false, preventing the field from displaying in edit and overview page.


Show/Hide custom field – Using Regex Matching

Show the 'Lived Name' custom field only when the PPID starts with 'J'.

Example code


Example JSON


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