Query Results view
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Query Results view


  1. You can only query for your sites.

  2. If you do not have access to a CP, the data (specimen/ visits/ participants) related to that CP, will not be visible to you - even in the query results.


The query results display fields along with the options to perform various operations like Save, Export, Define Columns, Specimen Operations, etc.

Query Actions

The below operations can be performed on the query using the "Actions" button:

  1. Edit

  2. Save

  3. Columns

  4. Rerun

  5. Export

Configure Columns 

The fields or the order of the fields to be displayed on the query results page can be configured.


  1. From the results page, click on the 'Actions' button. 

  2. Select option 'Columns'

  3. Select the Columns needed in the results.

  4. Reorder the columns by using drag and drop (Note: Drag the main tree node. Individual columns cannot be dragged)

  5. Click on +/- beside the object(Participant/visits/Specimen/CP) to expand/collapse the fields of object.

Wide Rows

Wide Rows are related to 1:many associations, such as one Participant with many MRNs, multi-record forms, etc. In such cases, the Wide Row checkbox determines whether to display all the values in one row (i.e., Wide Row) or one row per value.

For example, Participant P1 has 2 MRNs (Site1/MRN1, Site2/MRN2). By default, these are displayed in 4 columns with 1 row per participant. If "wide rows" is disabled, they will be displayed in 2 rows, with the rest of the columns duplicated. 

This can also be used for multi-record forms.


Example - On Disabling Wide Rows

Display Field Names

If you need to display the internal "field name" as column headers instead of the "display name", the 'Display Field Names' option from 'Query' > 'Columns' can be used. This is especially useful for Forms where the display name can be a long question.

By default, the fields use display names

On enabling 'Display Field Names'

Default: Disabled 'Display Field Names'


Case Sensitive Search

From v6.3, there is an option to choose whether the search should be case-sensitive. By default, all queries are run in case-sensitive mode.

Example - Case Sensitive Search enabled (default) on the first name

Example - Case Sensitive Search disabled on the first name

Configure display names for column headers

You can configure the header names for the columns in the query results page and the Exported CSV.

This feature can also be used in conjunction with the "Scheduled Query" feature. Once renamed and saved, the automated exported CSVs will contain the custom header names. This can be used to import into external databases. E.g. importing into a data warehouse.

Once the query is created, select the columns to be displayed in the query results page and click on the 'Next' button. From the 'Field Labels' section, specify the labels to be displayed and click on 'Done'

Column headers before configuration:

Column headers after configuration:

Save query

A query can be saved for future reuse OR shared with other users.

  1. Click on the 'Actions' button

  2. Select option 'Save'.

  3. Enter the query title and click on the 'Save' button. If you want to copy an existing query, click on the 'Save a copy'.

This will save the query along with the results view.

Export Query Results

You can export the query results as a CSV file, click on the 'Actions' button, and select option 'Export' to export query results.

Select rows in query for operations

Users can select the rows from the query result and perform the action specified in below 'Specimen Operation' section below.

Specimen Operations

You can perform any specimen operation listed by selecting specimens in bulk.

  1. Edit 

  2. Print 

  3. Delete

  4. Close 

  5. Distribute

  6. Reserve

  7. Ship

  8. Create Aliquots

  9. Create Derivatives

  10. Add/ Edit event

  11. Transfer

  12. Retrieve

To perform specimen operations, follow the below steps:

  1. Select desired specimens from the results by clicking on the respective rows or click on 'Select All' to select all the specimens

  2. Click on the 'Specimens' button and select any desired operations from the list

  3. Enter valid details and perform the selected operations

Once all the specimens are selected by clicking 'Select All', the 'Unselect All' option appears, click on that option to unselect all the selected specimens


Add Specimens to Cart

A Cart is a picklist of specimens. For more details: Specimen Cart.

You can add specimens from the results view to a new cart or existing cart.

  1. Click on 'Add to Cart' to add specimens to the default cart. 

  2. To create a new cart/add to existing carts click on the dropdown arrow beside Add to Cart → Create New


Creating New Dashlets

Dashlets are items displayed on a dashboard. You can create dashlets from the query results view. Refer to 'Dashboard changes using query' for more details.


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