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This is a powerful v5.1 enhancement to the query module that enables building many new types of complex queries. When 'is one of' and 'is not one of' operators are used, you can include another saved query as the filter. This will use the results of that saved query as input to the current query.
Some example queries that are possible through this feature:
- Exclusion query: Search samples to be distributed to a PI but eliminate participants whose specimens are distributed to this PI in the past.
- Search patients diagnosed with both 'Carcinoma of breast' and 'Fibroadenosis of breast'
While including results of another query as a filter in a query, it can now be specified a parameterized filter.
Consider for example, find patients having breast disorders but not thyroid cancer. User might want to choose from multiple diagnosis related to breast disorders while running the query.
Step 1: Create a saved query with clinical diagnosis as a parameterized filter
Step 2: Use saved query as input filter in the final query.
Step 3: This way, the clinical diagnosis will appear as filter in the results view for users to choose filter values at run time. Select required diagnosis which will be replaced for filtering participants with and without specific diagnoses
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