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Sample queries
- Consent based queries
- Matched samples query
- Query across multiple CPs
- Query based on multiple time points
- Query for participants registered to multiple CPs
- Search based on MRNs
- Search based on time difference
- Search for DNA/RNA
- Search for Tissue Slides
- Summary reports (Pivot table)
- Upcoming visits query
- Reconsent for minors
- Query for specimens that are reserved, distributed or available
- Query for specimen events data
- Query for anticipated visits/specimens
- Query for searching available specimens in a container
- Query for searching not stored specimens
- Search for samples that are not reserved
- Hierarchical query for child samples based on conditions of parent specimens
- Filter by Total Aliquot Quantity (v8.0)
- Query for dropdown values used across CPs
- Search for participants where no specimens are collected
- Searching Container using Barcode
- Query based on distributed samples
- Querying for custom forms using CPG
- Display ancestor requirement name/code on child specimens
- How to query for collection and received details for child specimens?
- How to find N child specimens (sequence)?
- Querying for Custom Forms/Fields associated with CP
- Query Checked-Out Specimens
- Count of patients having 0.5 & 1 ml plasma across time points
- If there is a backslash in your PPIDs, Visit names, etc., and you want to use the 'Contains, Starts With, Ends With' operators to query, you need to use two backslashes. E.g., Participant >> PPID Contains \\
- Usage of backslash in 'Equals, Not Equals, Is One Of, and Is Not One Of' is not supported.
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