Molecular Review Event
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Molecular Review Event

Create/Edit Event

  1. Go to the collection protocols list page, click on the 'Import' button, and select option 'Biospecimen Data' OR
  2. Go to the participants list page of the CP, click on the 'More' button, and select the option 'Biospecimen Data.'
  3. Select 'Molecular Review Event' from the 'Select Record Type' specimen's dropdown and click on 'Download Template File' to download the template file.
  4. Enter all valid data in the template file as mentioned in the 'Data Dictionary' table below.
  5. Upload the filled template file in the 'Input Records File' field, select 'Import Type' as 'Create' to create or 'Update' to update specimens molecular review event.
  6. Click on the 'Validate and Import' button.
  7. Refer 'Import status' to check the status of the import job.

Sample CSV


Data Dictionary

Column Name






DescriptionPermissible ValuesValidations
Record IDIntegerNoYesUsed to update an existing form record in the system
Required only when updating
CP Short TitleStringYesYesIt is required when a unique label per CP setting is enabled.

Specimen LabelStringYesYes

The specimen should exist within the system

Activity StatusStringNoNoActivity status of the record. To remove the existing records for the form, add 'Disabled' along with the record ID of the form and import it as an update.
  • Active
  • Disabled
The value should be 'Active' during creation or kept blank, in which case it will take the default value as 'Active.'
Gel Image URLStringNoNo

Quality IndexStringNoNo

Gel NumberIntegerNoNo

Lane NumberIntegerNoNo

Absorbance At 260DoubleNoNo

Absorbance At 280DoubleNoNo

Ratio 28S To 18SDoubleNoNo

UserEmail AdressYesNo

The user should be existing within the system
Date and TimeDate and TimeYesNo

Select the correct date and time format from UI based on the data in the file


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