Return Specimens
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Return Specimens

Create Event 

  • Go to the home page and click on the 'Orders' card.
  • Click on the 'Import' button and select the option 'Return Specimens' from the orders list page.

  • Click on the 'Download Template File' link to download the template file.

  • Enter all valid data in the template file as mentioned in the below 'Data Dictionary' table.
  • Upload the filled template file in the 'Input Records File' field.
  • Click on the 'Validate and Import' button.
  • Refer 'Import status' to check the status of the import job.

Edit Event (New in v8.0)


The “Return Events“ template is used to edit existing return events only.

 Click here to expand...
  • Go to the collection protocols list page, click on the 'Import' button, and select the option 'Biospecimen Data' 

  • Select "Return Events" to update the existing event from the 'Select Record Type' specimen's dropdown and click on 'Download Template File' to download the template file.

  • Enter all valid data in the template file as mentioned in the below 'Data Dictionary' table
  • Click on the 'Validate and Import' button.
  • Refer 'Import status' to check the status of the import job.

Sample CSV

  1. Return Specimens (Create template)- Download
  2. Return Events (Update template)- Download

Data Dictionary

  • Return specimens

Column Name

Data typeMandatory?


Permissible ValuesValidations
Order NameStringYesThe name of the distribution order from which the specimens are to be returned
Should be an existing executed order
Specimen LabelStringYesSpecimens that are to be returned
Should be existing within the system and a part of the order name mentioned above
QuantityDoubleYesThe amount of specimens to be returned

Return Date and Time

YesDate and time on which the specimens are returned 
Select the correct date and time format from UI based on the data in the file
Increment Freeze/Thaw CyclesNumberNoWhether to increment the freeze-thaw cycles of the specimen returned
  • 1
  • 0


Location#ContainerStringNoContainer name in which the returned specimens are to be stored
  1. The container specified should be existing.
  2. Suitable to hold the specimen (based on type and protocol)
  3. Should have available positions.
Location#RowStringNoRow position within the container
Position within the container at which the specimen is to be stored. If left blank, the system will allocate the next available position.

Location#ColumnStringNoColumn position within the container
Location#PositionIntegerNoLinear position in its parent container

User#Email AddressStringYesEmail address of the user who returned the samples
The user should exist within OS.
  • Edit Return Event (New in v8.0)

Column NameData typeMandatory?DescriptionPermissible ValuesValidations
Event IDStringYesUnique ID of the event.-Select the correct event ID.
Date and TimeDate and TimeNo
User#Email addressStringNoThe email address of the user-The user should exist within OS.

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