Skip logic for custom fields
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Skip logic for custom fields

Collection Protocol

In OpenSpecimen, it is possible to add custom fields at the CP level. This feature was introduced to facilitate capturing additional information at the study level. Only one custom form can be attached at the CP custom field level. So this form must have fields required for all the CPs.

Using skip logic in the custom forms, one can show/ hide these fields based on the site selected in the CP site dropdown or the site code.

Use Case 1: Show a custom field based on the site or site code selected in the CP site dropdown.

Show field ‘Arkansas Repository ID’ only when the site 'Arkansas Repository' is added to the CP sites

<showWhen><![CDATA[$extendedObj.cpSites.siteName = "Arkansas Repository"]]></showWhen>

When the site ‘Arkansas Repository' is not selected:

When the site ‘Arkansas Repository' is added to the list:


The field display can also be configured based on the site code, like below:

<showWhen><![CDATA[$extendedObj.cpSites.code = "AR"]]></showWhen>

The field will be displayed only when the user enters the site code as 'AR':

Use Case 2: Show a custom field based on the CP Short Title.

<showWhen><![CDATA[$extendedObj.cpShortTitle = "ASS12"]]></showWhen>

The form is attached at the specimen custom field level for 2 CPs.

When the showWhen condition is satisfied the field will be visible i.e for all the specimens in the ASS12 CP the field ‘Did you fast today?' will be visible

Whereas for the other CP, the additional fields section is blank.

You can also add multiple CPs in the condition if you wish to show this field for only 2 CPs.

Please note that both the CPs mentioned here did not have any JSON attached


Since the order level custom fields are not a standalone form and are used in conjunction with the order fields, you need to use a different syntax.

Use case: The field ‘Courier Name' should only be displayed if the value for ‘Distributed Offsite’ field is 'Yes’

If 'No' is selected, the field is not displayed:

If ‘Yes' is selected, the 'Courier Name’ field is displayed:


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