Create EasyBlood aliquots
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Create EasyBlood aliquots


  1. This import creates a new box if not present (Target_RackBarCode field value — Assigned to Box Unique Name).
  2. If the box with the same name exists, it will be reused. Import will give an error if the box has specimens in the same position as in the CSV.
  3. The newly created boxes are stored in a temporary dimensionless freezer.

    Note: The dimensions of newly created boxes are fixed to 8 X 12 with alpha-numeric Labeling Scheme. This is not configurable.
  4. Please refer Dimensionless Containers wiki page to create a dimensionless freezer.
  5. After creating the freezer, use the below steps to configure
    1. Go to Settings and search for easyBlood
    2. Download sample working JSON

      Valid JSON format
        "freezers": [
            "site": "<site_prefix>",
            "defaultFreezer": "<def_freezer_for_this_site>",
            "cps": [
                "cp": "<cp_short_title>",
                "freezer": "<freezer_for_this_cp>"

      Here, '<site_prefix>' maps to the column 'EB Code' in the input CSV.

  6. The importer will show an error 'Site or parent container detail is required' if the freezer is not specified for the corresponding site or CP.

Steps to import CSV

  1. Go to specimen list page of the collection protocol for which aliquots need to be imported
  2. Click on 'More' button and select option 'Biospecimen Data'
  3. Select 'EasyBlood Aliquots' under 'Select Records Type' options
  4. Click on 'Download Template File' to download the template file.

  5. Make sure all the data in the EasyBlood output file has the fields mentioned in the below 'Data Dictionary' table
  6. Upload the file in 'Input Records File' field.
  7. Enter correct format in 'Date and Time Format'
  8. Click on 'Validate and Import' button
  9. Refer 'Import status' to check the status of import job

Sample CSV

Data Dictionary

Column NameDatatype


DescriptionPermissible Values


ActionDateTimeDateNoThis is taken as the aliquot creation date. It will take the current date value if nothing specified.
This date should not be less than the parent specimen
Fraction TypeStringYesThe specimen typeSpecimen-type-permissible-values.csv

Source_BarcodeStringYesThe label for the parent specimen
The parent specimen must exist
Target_BarcodeStringYesThe label for the aliquot specimen

Target_VolumeIntegerNoThe quantity for aliquot specimen

ErrorCodeIntegerNoError information about the aliquot while processing from EasyBlood

ErrorTextStringNoError information about the aliquot while processing from EasyBlood

Target_RackBarCodeStringYesThe target freezer container name

This container should exist in OpenSpecimen. If not, the box would be created under the intermediate freezer.


The position ID is (row, column). The first character identifies the row. The row is specified using an English letter (A - Z). The rest of the characters in position ID identify the column. The column is a number. D50 identifies the 50th column of row D.

The target container position, ex. A1 (First row, first Column), D5 (Fourth row, fifth column)

{A,B, .., H} {1,2,3, .., 12}No other specimen should be present in this position.
EB CodeStringNoThis is the site_prefix. When creating an intermediate freezer the appropriate freezer under this site_prefix would be computed from the JSON config file.
The cp and freezers mentioned in the JSON should be present in OpenSpecimen.
Close AncestorsbooleanNo

This controls whether the ancestors of the aliquot being created, should be closed or not.

Note: This will close all the parent specimens up to the primary (lineage='New') level if at least one aliquot has 'Close Ancestors' = 'true'

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