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Reallocate Aliquots: EasyBlood Rescan
In order to store the aliquots, a dimensionless temporary freezer (Intermediate freezer in this case) is needed to be configured. This can be created using steps specified in Dimensionless Containers.
The user can set a default intermediate-freezer for each site or for a specific collection protocol under this site. This can be configured via a JSON in the OpenSpecimen settings.
If the freezer from input CSV (RackId) is missing, then the system will create a new freezer mentioned in the config JSON file. The importer will show an error 'Freezer to store EasyBlood aliquots not specified' if the freezer is not specified in settings.
Steps to import CSV
Sample CSV
Data Dictionary
Column Name | Datatype | Mandatory? | Description | Permissible Values | Validations |
RackID | String | Yes | The target freezer container name |
| This container should exist in OpenSpecimen. If not, a new container would be created under the intermediate freezer. |
TPositionID | String | Yes | The target container position, ex. A1 (First row, first Column), D5 (Fourth row, fifth column) | {A,B, .., H} {1,2,3, .., 12} | If any specimen already stored in that position, will be moved as Not Stored. |
CP Short Title | String | Yes | Collection Protocol Title in which the aliquot is collected |
| The aliquot must be present under the collection protocol. |
TTubeBC | String | Yes | The label for the aliquot specimen which is to be reallocated |
| The specimen must exist |
EB Code | String | No | This is the site_prefix. When creating an intermediate freezer the appropriate freezer under this site_prefix would be computed from the JSON config file. |
| The cp and freezers mentioned in the JSON should be present in OpenSpecimen. |
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