Sample Forms
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Sample Forms

This page will guide you through how you can add different controls to create a form.

Patient Demographics and Clinical History Form

Here is an example of a form that can be linked to any collection protocol.

Patient Demographics and Clinical History Form

A.     Demographics Information

  1. Health Card #

  2. Chart Number

B.      Social History

  1. Do you exercise? How often?

  2. Do you smoke? How often?

  3. Do you drink? How often?

  4. Do you take drugs? How often?

C.      Physical Exam Findings

      HT:                                 WT:                        BMI:                      Heart Rate:

D.     Clinical Data (SubForm)

  Please select if you have ever diagnosed with any of the following conditions:

  1. Thyroid

  2. Arthritis

  3. Lupus

  4. Breast cancer

  5. Ovarian Cancer

  6. Genetic Abnormalities

  7. Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

  8. Abdominal Pain

  Any medication that are taking for each diagnosis?

  Upload health records

E.      Past Medical History

      Please explain if you had any previous surgery?

      Please explain if you had any medical illnesses or psychiatric conditions?

      Please Mark if you have allergies to any of the following options? Mark all that applies




F.      Record of the date and personnel who filled out the form


Refer 'Create' section of the wiki page to create a form.

Add Fields

Create a custom form, 'Patient Demographics and Clinical History' as mentioned above. Refer 'Add Controls' section of the wiki page for adding different controls.

A. Demographics Information

  • Add a note - ‘Demographics Information’ : To add a title to this section, click on 'Note' and fill up the information. 

  • Add a number field - ‘Health Card' : To add the field 'Health Card', click on '+ Add Field’ and select 'Number Field'. Fill up the information and click on 'Save'.

  • Make fields mandatory and use the ‘Copy' field feature- 'Chart Number’ : To add Chart Number, click on '+ Add Field’ and select 'Number Field'. You can also copy the control you created in the previous step by clicking on the 'Copy' icon.


  • Drag and drop to change the field placement of the new control you wish to add. 

  • Enabling the 'Required' option will make data entry for this field as mandatory.

B. Social History 

  • Add a radio button - 'Do you Exercise?' : To add questions for this section, use the Radio Button control as this is a Yes/No question with only two options to select from.

  • Add a number field - 'How often do you exercise?' : Use 'Number Field' to add the frequency of each task.

Similarly, add other fields of social history.


C.      Physical Exam Findings

Add HT, WT, BMI & Heart Rate : In order to add measurements for height, weight, BMI, and heart rate, use 'Number Field'.

Calculated fields are not supported currently, for example, to automatically calculate BMI based on height and weight. This is in the roadmap to support.


D.     Clinical Data (SubForm)

  • Add subform : Under a form record, you might need to enter multiple medical conditions and a corresponding list of medications and health records. In order to do this, you can create a subform. Click on 'Subform' to add a title to this section.

  • Add a dropdown field with the list of values - 'Health Conditions' :

    To add attributes under this, go to the subform. Select 'Dropdown' to add a list of health conditions.

For multiple condition values, you can also create a text document or a CSV file with all of the values and upload them rather than entering them one by one. Refer to the 'Add Permissible Values' section of the wiki page for more details.

  • Large comments field 'Medications’ : To add a list of medications like a doctor note, click on the subform and use 'Text Area' control.

  • Upload file field 'Health Record' : Select subform and click on 'File Upload' to be able to upload any documents for the health record.


E.      Past Medical History

  • Add more fields to the main form 'Please explain if you had any previous surgery?' : To add sections to the original form, make sure to go back to the main form. Use 'Text Field' for adding any explanation of past conditions/procedures.

  • Add checkbox or multiselect dropdown field ‘Any Allergies? Mark all that applies' : Select 'Checkbox' or 'Multiselect Dropdown’ to add a list of allergic items. This will provide the user with the ability to select multiple options if applicable.


F.      Record of the date and personnel who filled out the form

  • Adding a date field 'Date of Submission' : To keep track of the date that a form was submitted, select 'Date Picker' from the list of attributes.

  • Including 'User' dropdown : Select 'User' type to add personnel. This will display all the users existing in OpenSpecimen.


Click on the 'Preview' button present on the top right corner of the screen to see how the form looks like.


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