Configuring Field Values per CP
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Configuring Field Values per CP
Default OpenSpecimen field values or custom dropdown field values can be configured per CP. The fields can be a dropdown, radio button, multi-select.
Use case: A study is dedicated to the participants of cancer relapse. The Principal Investigator (PI) wants users to add participants for only clinical status values - "Relapse, Distant Site", "Relapse, Not Specified" and "Relapse, Primary Site".
Add the below code in the dictionary section.
{ "name": "visit.clinicalStatus", "caption": "Clinical Status", "type": "dropdown", "optional": false, "defaultValue": "Not Specified", "showIf": { "op": "AND", "rules": [ { "field": "visit.status", "op": "!=", "value": "'Missed Collection'" } ] }, "listSource": { "options": [ "Relapse, Distant Site", "Relapse, Primary Site", "Relapse, Not Specified" ] } }