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Show Fields Based on the Value in the Dropdown
You can show fields based on the dropdown values for a specific study.
'Contains' Condition
Example: Show the custom field 'Any complications' at the visit level only if the 'Clinical Diagnosis' field contains the word 'pregnancy'.
'Is one of the value' Condition
Example 1: Shows the field 'Any complications' at the visit level if 'Clinical Diagnosis' has '10 weeks gestation of pregnancy' in it.
Example 2: Suppose you want to display fields on the nth step page when only specified specimen types are selected.
Example 3: Show field on overview and hide on the data entry page.
Example 4: Show field on overview only if the value is present. (Check showinOverviewIf)
Example 5: Don’t show field on overview if the value present is “Not Specified“ or “Null“.
Example 6: Show the Birth Date field based on collection protocol name.
Example 7: Show custom field if the specimen type is ‘Fixed Tissue Block' or 'Fixed Tissue Slide’
Example JSON
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