How to reset label sequences?
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How to reset label sequences?

OpenSpecimen allows to auto-generate labels based on various tokens. For more details, refer to Label configuration.

When a new center starts using OpenSpecimen, the legacy data might be in other sources like Excel, different DB, etc. Once the legacy data is imported, the sequences of new participants and specimens need to start from the last number of legacy data. To achieve this, the administrator has to reset the sequences based on the tokens used. Currently, this is achieved using SQLs. Below are some examples:

Please take a backup of the database before running any SQLs

If there are sequence records for the same key_type and key_value, it needs to be deleted before new entries are created



SQL to reset sequence



SQL to reset sequence




insert into key_seq_generator (identifier, key_type, key_value, key_sequence_id) values (key_generator_seq.nextval, 'Specimen', 'SYS_UID', <max specimen number like 1000>);


insert into key_seq_generator (key_type, key_value, key_sequence_id) values ('Specimen', 'SYS_UID', <max specimen number like 1000>);

Note: If the table key_seq_generator already has a row for the combination ('Specimen', 'SYS_UID') then update the row with the new sequence value using below SQL.

update key_seq_generator set key_sequence_id = <max specimen number like 1000> where key_type = 'Specimen' and key_value = 'SYS_UID';

Participant (Registration)


To check if there is a value already present

select * from key_seq_generator where key_type = 'Registration' and key_value = 'SYS_UID';


To update the value (if a value is already present):

update key_seq_generator set key_sequence_id = <max registration number like 1000> where key_type = 'Registration' and key_value = 'SYS_UID';


To insert a value (if no value is present) (MySQL):

insert into key_seq_generator (key_type, key_value, key_sequence_id) values ('Registration', 'SYS_UID', <max registration number like 1000>);




insert into key_seq_generator (identifier, key_type, key_value, key_sequence_id) values (key_generator_seq.nextval, 'PPID', <CP ID>, <max PPID number like 1000>);


insert into key_seq_generator (key_type, key_value, key_sequence_id) values ('PPID', <CP ID>, <max PPID number like 1000>);

Note: If the table key_seq_generator already contains the row for the combination ('PPID', <CP ID>) then update that row with the new key sequence value using below SQL:

update key_seq_generator set key_sequence_id = <max PPID number like 1000> where key_type = 'PPID' and key_value = '<CP_ID>';



Check for presence of any existing sequences

select count(*) from key_seq_generator where key_type = 'EVENT_UID' and key_value in ( select concat(cpr.protocol_participant_id, concat('_', visit.collection_protocol_event_id)) from catissue_coll_prot_reg cpr inner join catissue_specimen_coll_group visit on visit.collection_protocol_reg_id = cpr.identifier where cpr.collection_protocol_id in (<cp_id_list>) );


If the token is used for create KIT-NAMES for visits, the use below query to find the existing counter:

select * from key_seq_generator where key_value = 'Unknown_<EVENT_UID>'


Oracle: Recreate sequences for all visits

insert into key_seq_generator (identifier, key_type, key_value, key_sequence_id) select key_generator_seq.nextval, 'EVENT_UID', t.key_value, t.key_sequence_id from ( select concat(cpr.protocol_participant_id, concat('_', visit.collection_protocol_event_id)) as key_value, count(visit.identifier) as key_sequence_id from catissue_coll_prot_reg cpr inner join catissue_specimen_coll_group visit on visit.collection_protocol_reg_id = cpr.identifier where cpr.collection_protocol_id in (<cp_id_list>) and visit.collection_protocol_event_id is not null group by concat(cpr.protocol_participant_id, concat('_', visit.collection_protocol_event_id)) ) t


MySQL: : Recreate sequences for all visits

insert into key_seq_generator (key_type, key_value, key_sequence_id) select 'EVENT_UID', concat(cpr.protocol_participant_id, concat('_', visit.collection_protocol_event_id)), count(visit.identifier) from catissue_coll_prot_reg cpr inner join catissue_specimen_coll_group visit on visit.collection_protocol_reg_id = cpr.identifier where cpr.collection_protocol_id in (<cp_id_list>) group by concat(cpr.protocol_participant_id, concat('_', visit.collection_protocol_event_id));


Note: If the table key_seq_generator contains the row for ('EVENT_ID', <PPID>_<EVENT_ID>) combination then update the key sequence value using below SQL

update key_seq_generator set key_sequence_id = <max visit number like 1000> where key_type = 'EVENT_UID' and key_value = '<PPID>_<EVENT_ID>';

Delete all pre-existing sequences

delete from key_seq_generator where key_type = 'EVENT_UID' and key_value in ( select concat(cpr.protocol_participant_id, concat('_', visit.collection_protocol_event_id)) from catissue_coll_prot_reg cpr inner join catissue_specimen_coll_group visit on visit.collection_protocol_reg_id = cpr.identifier where cpr.collection_protocol_id in (<cp_id_list>) );



Check for presence of any existing sequences

select count(*) from key_seq_generator where key_type = 'PPI_UID' and key_value in ( select distinct visit.collection_protocol_reg_id from catissue_coll_prot_reg cpr inner join catissue_specimen_coll_group visit on visit.collection_protocol_reg_id = cpr.identifier where cpr.collection_protocol_id in (<cp_id_list>) and cpr.activity_status = 'Active' );

Oracle: Recreate sequences for all visits

insert into key_seq_generator (identifier, key_type, key_value, key_sequence_id) select key_generator_seq.nextval, 'PPI_UID', t.key_value, t.key_sequence_id from ( select visit.COLLECTION_PROTOCOL_REG_ID as key_value, count(visit.identifier) as key_sequence_id from catissue_coll_prot_reg cpr inner join catissue_specimen_coll_group visit on visit.collection_protocol_reg_id = cpr.identifier where cpr.collection_protocol_id in (<cp_id_list>) and cpr.activity_status = 'Active' group by visit.COLLECTION_PROTOCOL_REG_ID ) t;

MySQL: : Recreate sequences for all visits

insert into key_seq_generator (key_type, key_value, key_sequence_id) select 'PPI_UID', visit.COLLECTION_PROTOCOL_REG_ID as key_value, count(visit.identifier) as key_sequence_id from catissue_coll_prot_reg cpr inner join catissue_specimen_coll_group visit on visit.collection_protocol_reg_id = cpr.identifier where cpr.collection_protocol_id in (<cp_id_list>) and cpr.activity_status = 'Active' group by visit.COLLECTION_PROTOCOL_REG_ID;

Note: If the table key_seq_generator contains the row for ('PPI_UID', <COLLECTION_PROTOCOL_REG_ID>) combination then update the key sequence value using below SQL

update key_seq_generator set key_sequence_id = <max visit number for COLLECTION_PROTOCOL_REG_ID> where key_type = 'PPI_UID' and key_value = '<COLLECTION_PROTOCOL_REG_ID>';

Delete all pre-existing sequences

delete from key_seq_generator where key_type = 'PPI_UID' and key_value in ( select distinct visit.collection_protocol_reg_id from catissue_coll_prot_reg cpr inner join catissue_specimen_coll_group visit on visit.collection_protocol_reg_id = cpr.identifier where cpr.collection_protocol_id in (<cp_id_list>) and cpr.activity_status = 'Active' );



Check for presence of any existing sequences

select count(*) from key_seq_generator where key_type = 'VISIT_NAME_PUID' and key_value in ( select distinct cpr.participant_id from catissue_coll_prot_reg cpr inner join catissue_specimen_coll_group visit on visit.collection_protocol_reg_id = cpr.identifier where cpr.collection_protocol_id in (<cp_id_list>) and cpr.activity_status = 'Active' );

Oracle: Recreate sequences for all visits

insert into key_seq_generator (identifier, key_type, key_value, key_sequence_id) select key_generator_seq.nextval, 'VISIT_NAME_PUID', t.key_value, t.key_sequence_id from ( select cpr.participant_id as key_value, count(visit.identifier) as key_sequence_id from catissue_coll_prot_reg cpr inner join catissue_specimen_coll_group visit on visit.collection_protocol_reg_id = cpr.identifier where cpr.collection_protocol_id in (<cp_id_list>) and cpr.activity_status = 'Active' group by cpr.participant_id ) t;

MySQL: : Recreate sequences for all visits

insert into key_seq_generator (key_type, key_value, key_sequence_id) select 'VISIT_NAME_PUID', cpr.participant_id as key_value, count(visit.identifier) as key_sequence_id from catissue_coll_prot_reg cpr inner join catissue_specimen_coll_group visit on visit.collection_protocol_reg_id = cpr.identifier where cpr.collection_protocol_id in (<cp_id_list>) and cpr.activity_status = 'Active' group by cpr.participant_id;

Note: If the table key_seq_generator contains the row for ('VISIT_NAME_PUID', <PARTICIPANT_ID>) combination then update the key sequence value using below SQL

update key_seq_generator set key_sequence_id = <total number of visits for PARTICIPANT_ID across all CPs> where key_type = 'VISIT_NAME_PUID' and key_value = '<PARTICIPANT_ID>';

Delete all pre-existing sequences

delete from key_seq_generator where key_type = 'VISIT_NAME_PUID' and key_value in ( select distinct cpr.participant_id from catissue_coll_prot_reg cpr inner join catissue_specimen_coll_group visit on visit.collection_protocol_reg_id = cpr.identifier where cpr.collection_protocol_id in (<cp_id_list>) and cpr.activity_status = 'Active' );



Check for existing sequence

select count(*) from key_seq_generator where key_type = 'VISIT_UID' and key_value in ( select visit.identifier from catissue_coll_prot_reg cpr inner join catissue_specimen_coll_group visit on visit.collection_protocol_reg_id = cpr.identifier inner join catissue_specimen spec on visit.identifier = spec.specimen_collection_group_id where cpr.collection_protocol_id in (<cp_id_list>) );

Delete the existing sequence

delete from key_seq_generator where key_type = 'VISIT_UID' and key_value in ( select visit.identifier from catissue_coll_prot_reg cpr inner join catissue_specimen_coll_group visit on visit.collection_protocol_reg_id = cpr.identifier inner join catissue_specimen spec on visit.identifier = spec.specimen_collection_group_id where cpr.collection_protocol_id in (<cp_id_list>) );

Insert new sequence

insert into key_seq_generator (key_type, key_value, key_sequence_id) select 'VISIT_UID', visit.identifier, count(visit.identifier) from catissue_coll_prot_reg cpr inner join catissue_specimen_coll_group visit on visit.collection_protocol_reg_id = cpr.identifier inner join catissue_specimen spec on visit.identifier = spec.specimen_collection_group_id where cpr.collection_protocol_id in (<cp_id_list>) and spec.lineage = 'New' group by visit.identifier;




insert into key_seq_generator (identifier, key_type, key_value, key_sequence_id) values (key_generator_seq.nextval, 'Visit', 'SYS_UID', <max visit number like 1000>);


insert into key_seq_generator (key_type, key_value, key_sequence_id) values ('Visit', 'SYS_UID', <max visit number like 1000>);


Note: If the table key_seq_generator contains a row for the combination ('Visit', 'SYS_UID') then update the key sequence value using below SQL:

update key_seq_generator set key_sequence_id = <max visit number like 1000> where key_type = 'Visit' and key_value = 'SYS_UID';



Check for presence of any pre-existing sequences

select count(*) from key_seq_generator where key_type = 'PSPEC_UID' and key_value in ( select parent.identifier from catissue_specimen parent where parent.collection_protocol_id in (<cp_id_list>) and parent.collection_status='Collected' and parent.activity_status='Active' and parent.label is not null )


Delete pre-existing sequences

delete from key_seq_generator where key_type = 'PSPEC_UID' and key_value in ( select parent.identifier from catissue_specimen parent where parent.collection_protocol_id in (<cp_id_list>) and parent.collection_status='Collected' and parent.activity_status='Active' and parent.label is not null )

Oracle: Recreate sequences for all parent specimens

insert into key_seq_generator (identifier, key_type, key_value, key_sequence_id) select key_generator_seq.nextval, 'PSPEC_UID', t.key_value, t.key_sequence_value from ( select parent.identifier as key_value, count(child.identifier) as key_sequence_value from catissue_specimen parent inner join catissue_specimen child on parent.identifier=child.parent_specimen_id where parent.collection_protocol_id in (<cp_id_list>) and parent.collection_status='Collected' and parent.activity_status='Active' and child.activity_status='Active' and parent.label is not null group by parent.identifier ) t;

MySQL: Recreate sequences for all parent specimens

insert into key_seq_generator (key_type, key_value, key_sequence_id) select 'PSPEC_UID', t.key_value, t.key_sequence_value from ( select parent.identifier as key_value, count(child.identifier) as key_sequence_value from catissue_specimen parent inner join catissue_specimen child on parent.identifier=child.parent_specimen_id where parent.collection_protocol_id in (<cp_id_list>) and parent.collection_status='Collected' and parent.activity_status='Active' and child.activity_status='Active' and parent.label is not null group by parent.identifier ) t;




insert into key_seq_generator (identifier, key_type, key_value, key_sequence_id) select key_generator_seq.nextval, 'CP_PPI_UID', t.key_value, t.key_sequence_value from ( select concat(cpr.collection_protocol_id, concat('_', cpr.protocol_participant_id)) as key_value, count(specimen.identifier) as key_sequence_value from catissue_coll_prot_reg cpr inner join catissue_specimen_coll_group visit on visit.collection_protocol_reg_id = cpr.identifier inner join catissue_specimen specimen on specimen.specimen_collection_group_id = visit.identifier where cpr.collection_protocol_id in (<CP IDs>) and specimen.lineage = 'New' group by concat(cpr.collection_protocol_id, concat('_', cpr.protocol_participant_id)) ) t


insert into key_seq_generator (key_type, key_value, key_sequence_id) select 'CP_PPI_UID', t.key_value, t.key_sequence_value from ( select concat(cpr.collection_protocol_id, concat('_', cpr.protocol_participant_id)) as key_value, count(specimen.identifier) as key_sequence_value from catissue_coll_prot_reg cpr inner join catissue_specimen_coll_group visit on visit.collection_protocol_reg_id = cpr.identifier inner join catissue_specimen specimen on specimen.specimen_collection_group_id = visit.identifier where cpr.collection_protocol_id in (<CP IDs>) and specimen.lineage = 'New' group by concat(cpr.collection_protocol_id, concat('_', cpr.protocol_participant_id)) ) t



Note: If the table key_seq_generator contains the row for ('VISIT_SP_TYPE_UID', <Visit Name> , and <Specimen_Type_ID>) combination then update the key sequence value using the below SQL

update key_seq_generator set (key_value,key_type,key_sequence_id) set key_sequence_id = (<max specimen number of specific type under a visit>) where key_value = '<Visit Name>_<Specimen_Type_ID>' and key_type = 'VISIT_SP_TYPE_UID';

Check for presence of any pre-existing sequences

select count(*) from key_seq_generator where key_type = 'VISIT_SP_TYPE_UID' and key_value in ( select concat(visit.name,'_',spec.specimen_type_id) from catissue_specimen_coll_group visit inner join catissue_specimen spec on visit.identifier=spec.specimen_collection_group_id where visit.activity_status = 'Active' and spec.collection_protocol_id in (<cp_ids>) group by visit.name, spec.specimen_type_id);


Delete pre-existing sequences

delete from key_seq_generator where key_type = 'VISIT_SP_TYPE_UID' and key_value in ( select concat(visit.name,'_',spec.specimen_type_id) from catissue_specimen_coll_group visit inner join catissue_specimen spec on visit.identifier=spec.specimen_collection_group_id where visit.activity_status = 'Active' and spec.collection_protocol_id in (<cp_ids>) group by visit.name, spec.specimen_type_id);

Oracle: Recreate sequences for all specimens

insert into key_seq_generator (identifier, key_type, key_value, key_sequence_id) select key_generator_seq.nextval, 'VISIT_SP_TYPE_UID', t.key_value, t.key_sequence_value from ( select concat(visit.name,'_',spec.specimen_type_id) as key_value, count(spec.label) as key_sequence_value from catissue_specimen_coll_group visit inner join catissue_specimen spec on visit.identifier=spec.specimen_collection_group_id where visit.activity_status = 'Active' and spec.collection_protocol_id in (<cp_ids>) group by visit.name, spec.specimen_type_id; ) t;


MySQL: Recreate sequences for all specimens

insert into key_seq_generator (key_type, key_value, key_sequence_id) select 'VISIT_SP_TYPE_UID' as key_type, concat(visit.name,'_',spec.specimen_type_id) as key_value, count(spec.label) as key_sequence_id from catissue_specimen_coll_group visit inner join catissue_specimen spec on visit.identifier=spec.specimen_collection_group_id where visit.activity_status = 'Active' and spec.collection_protocol_id in (<cp_ids>) group by visit.name, spec.specimen_type_id;



Check for presence of any pre-existing sequences

select count(*) from key_seq_generator where key_type = 'PPI_SPEC_TYPE_UID' and key_value in ( select concat(cpr.protocol_participant_id, concat('_', spec.specimen_type_id)) from catissue_coll_prot_reg cpr inner join catissue_specimen_coll_group visit on visit.collection_protocol_reg_id = cpr.identifier inner join catissue_specimen spec on visit.identifier = spec.specimen_collection_group_id where cpr.collection_protocol_id in (<cp_id_list>) );

Delete pre-existing sequences

delete from key_seq_generator where key_type = 'PPI_SPEC_TYPE_UID' and key_value in ( select concat(cpr.protocol_participant_id, concat('_', spec.specimen_type_id)) from catissue_coll_prot_reg cpr inner join catissue_specimen_coll_group visit on visit.collection_protocol_reg_id = cpr.identifier inner join catissue_specimen spec on visit.identifier = spec.specimen_collection_group_id where cpr.collection_protocol_id in (<cp_id_list>) );

Note: Below SQLs are being executed for the label format set at the primary specimen level. If the token is used at derived or aliquot level change the spec.lineage accordingly 

MySQL: : Recreate sequences for all primary specimens
insert into key_seq_generator (key_type, key_value, key_sequence_id) select 'PPI_SPEC_TYPE_UID', concat(cpr.protocol_participant_id, concat('_', spec.specimen_type_id)), count(cpr.protocol_participant_id) from catissue_coll_prot_reg cpr inner join catissue_specimen_coll_group visit on visit.collection_protocol_reg_id = cpr.identifier inner join catissue_specimen spec on visit.identifier = spec.specimen_collection_group_id where cpr.collection_protocol_id in (<cp_id_list>) and spec.lineage = 'New' group by concat(cpr.protocol_participant_id, concat('_', spec.specimen_type_id));


Resetting existing sequence:

UPDATE key_seq_generator SET key_sequence_id = <max number of specimen already created for the PPID + Specimen Type combination> WHERE key_type = 'PPI_SPEC_TYPE_UID' AND key_value = '<PPID>_<SPECIMEN_TYPE_ID>';
  • key value is the combination of PPID and Specimen type ID.

  • To find the specimen type ID for your specimen type follow the below steps:

    1. Navigate to Extras → Dropdown Manager → Specimen Type

    2. Go to the specimen type of your choice and check the URL as shown below. Below is the specimen_type_id for 'Whole Blood' is 471

    3. image-20240501-053416.png

Distribution Protocol



insert into key_seq_generator (identifier, key_type, key_value, key_sequence_id) values (key_generator_seq.nextval, 'DP_UID', <DP ID>, <max distributed specimen count>);


insert into key_seq_generator (key_type, key_value, key_sequence_id) values ('DP_UID', <DP ID>, <max distributed specimen count>);

Note : <DP ID> value will be system identifier of that distribution protocol which can be found in the URL after clicking on DP.



Delete pre-existing sequences

delete from key_seq_generator where key_type = 'PRIMARY_SPMN_SP_TYPE_ABBR_UID' and key_value in ( select concat(t.specimen_id, concat('_', t.abbr)) as key_value from ( select p.identifier as specimen_id, pv_props.value as abbr, count(*) as specimens from catissue_specimen p inner join catissue_specimen_hierarchy h on h.ancestor_id = p.identifier inner join catissue_specimen d on d.identifier = h.descendent_id inner join catissue_permissible_value pv on pv.identifier = d.specimen_type_id inner join os_pv_props pv_props on pv_props.pv_id = pv.identifier where p.collection_protocol_id in (<cp_id>) and p.lineage = 'New' and p.activity_status != 'Disabled' and d.activity_status != 'Disabled' and pv_props.name = 'abbreviation' group by p.identifier, pv_props.value ) t )

MySQL: Recreate sequences

insert into key_seq_generator(key_type, key_value, key_sequence_id) select 'PRIMARY_SPMN_SP_TYPE_ABBR_UID' as key_type, concat(t.specimen_id, concat('_', t.abbr)) as key_value, t.specimens as key_sequence_id from ( select p.identifier as specimen_id, pv_props.value as abbr, count(*) as specimens from catissue_specimen p inner join catissue_specimen_hierarchy h on h.ancestor_id = p.identifier inner join catissue_specimen d on d.identifier = h.descendent_id inner join catissue_permissible_value pv on pv.identifier = d.specimen_type_id inner join os_pv_props pv_props on pv_props.pv_id = pv.identifier where p.collection_protocol_id in (<cp_ids>) and p.lineage = 'New' and p.activity_status != 'Disabled' and d.activity_status != 'Disabled' and pv_props.name = 'abbreviation' group by p.identifier, pv_props.value ) t



Resetting existing key sequence ID

update key_seq_generator set key_sequence_id = <one less than the next expected number> where key_value = '<CP_ID>' and key_type = 'SPEC_CP_UID';

Adding the new key sequence ID

insert into key_seq_generator ( key_value, key_sequence_id, key_type ) VALUES ('<CP_ID>', <one less than the next expected number>, 'SPEC_CP_UID');

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