| | | | |
1. Participant | specimen | External Subject ID | eval("External Subject Id", #specimen.registration.externalSubjectId) | Evaluates participant’s External Subject Id. |
2. Participant | specimen | First Name | eval("First_Name",#specimen.registration.participant.firstName) | Evaluates participant’s First Name. |
3. Participant | specimen | Last Name | eval("Last_Name",#specimen.registration.participant.lastName) | Evaluates participant’s Last Name. |
4. Participant | specimen | Birth Date | eval("DOB",#specimen.registration.participant.birthDate) | Evaluates participant’s Date of Birth. |
5. Participant | specimen | Participant custom field | eval("Participant_Code",#specimen.registration.getExtension()?.getAttrValues()?.get("DD3")) | New in v7.1, evaluates participant custom field |
6. Participant | specimen | Participant custom field | eval("",#specimen.registration.participant.setCpId(#specimen.registration.collectionProtocol.id)),eval("DD",#specimen.registration.participant.getExtension()?.getAttrValues()?.get("ST2")) From v10.2 onwards custom_field("Height",cpr,height) | For versions before v7.1, evaluates participant custom field From v10.2 onwards Prints value for participant custom field Height. |
7. Participant | specimen | Participant first, middle and last name Initials | eval("FN",#specimen.registration.participant.firstName?.trim()?.length() > 0 ? #specimen.registration.participant.firstName.charAt(0) : ""),eval("MN",#specimen.registration.participant.middleName?.trim()?.length() > 0 ? #specimen.registration.participant.middleName.charAt(0) : ""),eval("LN",#specimen.registration.participant.lastName?.trim()?.length() > 0 ? #specimen.registration.participant.lastName.charAt(0) : "") | Gives first character from first name and last name in the output. |
8. Visit | specimen | Visit Name | eval("Vist name",#specimen.visit.name) | Evaluates visit name |
9. Visit | specimen | Visit Date | eval("Vist date",#specimen.visit.visitDate) | Evaluates visit date |
| | | | |
10. Visit | specimen | Visit custom field | eval("custom",#specimen.visit.getExtension()?.getAttrValues()?.get("ST2")) From v10.2 onwards custom_field("Additional_Diagnosis",visit,additional_diagnosis) | Evaluates visit custom field From v10.2 onwards Prints value for visit custom field additional_diagnosis. |
11. Visit | specimen | Visit custom field (Fancy Control) | eval("Organ",#specimen.visit.getExtension()?.getLabelValueMap()?.get("Anticipated Anatomic Site")) | Evaluates visit custom field (fancy control) where ‘Anticipated Anatomic Site’ is the field name |
12. Specimen | specimen | Label | eval(“Label”, #specimen.label) | Evaluates the specimen label |
13. Specimen | specimen | Identifier | eval(“Identifier”, #specimen.id) | Evaluates the specimen identifier |
14. Specimen | specimen | Created On | eval("Created On", #formatDate(#specimen.createdOn, "MMM, yyyy")) | Expression to extract month and year from the created on the field in the specified format |
15. Specimen | specimen | Container name and position | eval("Storage",#specimen.position) | Evaluates container name with position in linear or two dimensions(row & column) as per box settings |
16. Specimen | specimen | Anatomic Site | eval("site",#specimen.tissueSite.value) | Evaluates the anatomic site |
17. Specimen | specimen | Specimen type abbreviation | eval("type",#specimen.specimenType.props['abbreviation']) | Evaluates the specimen type abbreviation |
18. Specimen | specimen | Specimen custom field | eval("Ext.Lab.Num",#specimen.getExtension()?.getAttrValues()?.get("ST21")) From v10.2 onwards custom_field("Additive",specimen,additive) | Evaluates visit custom field ST21 From v10.2 onwards Prints value for specimen custom field additive. |
19. Specimen | specimen | SR name | eval("SR Name",#specimen.specimenRequirement?.name) | Evaluates the specimen-requirement name. |
20. Specimen | specimen | Event Label | eval("Event_Label",#specimen.visit.cpEvent?.eventLabel) | Evaluates the collection protocol event label corresponding to the specimen’s visit. E.g., ‘Baseline,’ 'Follow-up' |
21. Specimen | specimen | Available Quantity | eval("Available_Qty",#specimen.availableQuantity) | Evaluates the available quantity of the specimen |
22. Specimen | specimen | Quantity Unit | eval("type",#specimen.specimenClass.props['quantity_unit']) | Evaluates the quantity unit based on the specimen class. |
23. Specimen | specimen | Concentration Unit | eval("Conc unit",#specimen.specimenClass.props['concentration_unit']) | Evaluates the concentration unit based on the specimen class. |
24. Specimen | specimen | Laterality | eval("side",#specimen.tissueSide.value) | Evaluates the laterality |
25. Specimen | specimen | Received Date | eval("RD",#specimen.receivedEvent.time) | Evaluates the received date |
26. Specimen | specimen | Parent SR code | eval("Parent SR Code",#specimen.parentSpecimen.specimenRequirement?.code) | Evaluates the parent specimen requirement code. |
27. Collection Protocol | specimen | IRB ID | eval("IRB ID",#specimen.collectionProtocol.irbIdentifier) | Evaluates the collection protocol IRB ID |
28. Collection Protocol | specimen | CP Code | eval("Code",#specimen.collectionProtocol.code) | Evaluates the collection protocol code |
29. Specimen | specimen | Collection date of primary specimen at aliquot level | eval("CD",#formatDate(#specimen.primarySpecimen.collectionEvent.time,"MMM, yyyy")) | Evaluates collection date of primary specimen at child level |
30. Specimen | specimen | Custom date field (server timezone) | eval("Collection date", #formatDate(T(java.util.Date).from(T(java.time.Instant).ofEpochMilli(T(Long).parseLong(#specimen.getExtension()?.getAttrValues()?.get("collection_date")))), "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm")) | Evaluates the custom date field 'Collection Date' If there is no value available for the date field, and if you try printing, it will throw an error. Please set it to default to the current date and time OR ensure there is always data entered for the field. |
31. Specimen | specimen | Custom date field (specific timezone) | eval("Collection date", T(java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter).ofPattern("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm").withZone(T(java.time.ZoneId).of("Asia/Kolkata")).format(T(java.time.Instant).ofEpochMilli(T(Long).parseLong(#specimen.getExtension()?.getAttrValues()?.get("collection_date"))))) | Evaluates the custom date field 'Collection Date' If there is no value available for the date field, and if you try printing, it will throw an error. Please set it to default to the current date and time OR ensure there is always data entered for the field. |
32. Collection Protocol | specimen | Principal Investigator last name | eval("PI Last Name",#specimen.collectionProtocol.principalInvestigator.lastName) | Gives the Last name of Principal Investigator of the CP |
33. Collection Protocol | specimen | Principal Investigator first name | eval("PI First Name",#specimen.collectionProtocol.principalInvestigator.firstName) | Gives the first name of Principal Investigator of the CP |
34. Participant | specimen | Identifier | eval("Identifier",#specimen.registration.id) | Evaluates participant identifier |
35. Specimen | specimen | Event Code | eval("Event_Code",#specimen.visit.cpEvent?.code) | Evaluates event code of the CP corresponding to the specimen’s visit. |
36. Specimen | specimen | Ancestor Requirement Name | eval("Ancestor SR Name",#collFns.join(#specimen.getReqNames())) | Adds the ancestor requirement name on the child specimens as comma-seperated values. This includes primary specimens and intermediate parent. |
37. Specimen | specimen | Ancestor Requirement Code | eval("Ancestor SR Code",#collFns.join(#specimen.getReqCodes())) | Adds the ancestor requirement code on the child specimens as comma-seperated values. This includes primary specimens and intermediate parent. |
38. Specimen | specimen | Last character(s) of Specimen Label | eval("Last Char", #specimen.label.substring(#specimen.label.length - 1)) | Gives last character from specimen label in the output. You can replace -1 with any numbers E.g. -2 and it will give last 2 characters in the output |
39. Specimen | specimen | container position | eval("Storage Position",#specimen.position != null ? (#specimen.position.container.positionLabelingMode.name() == "TWO_D" ? (#specimen.position.posTwo + ", " + #specimen.position.posOne) : #specimen.position.container.positionLabelingMode.name() == "LINEAR" ? #specimen.position.getPosition() : "Not Applicable") : "Not Stored") | Gives container position i n4 scenarios - not stored, dimensionless, linear and 2 D layouts. |
| specimen | Additional Label | eval("Additional_Label",#specimen.additionalLabel) | Prints the value in the field ‘Additional Label’ from v10.x onwards |
| Visit | Surgical Pathology Number | #specimen.visit.surgicalPathologyNumber | Prints Surgical Pathology number documented at Visit level |
| -- | Concatenate multiple fields | eval("Specimen ID", #specimen.id + "_" + #specimen.label) | It will concatenate values of Specimen ID and Specimen label field in single column while generating print file |
| -- | Concatenate multiple fields | eval("Participant identifier", #specimen.registration.externalSubjectId + "_" + #specimen.registration.ppid) | It will concatenate values of External Subject ID and PPID field in single column while generating print file |
| -- | Concatenate multiple fields | eval("Participant identifier",#specimen.registration.getExtension()?.getAttrValues()?.get("UPN") + "_" + #specimen.registration.getExtension()?.getAttrValues()?.get("CPF-ID")) | It will concatenate values of registration custom fields ‘UPN’ and ‘CPF-ID’ in single column while generating print file |
| specimen | Parent Specimen Type | eval("Parent Type",#specimen.parentSpecimen.specimenType.value) | Generates the parent specimen type |
| specimen | Collection Event User | eval("CollectedUser",#specimen.primarySpecimen.collectionEvent.user.loginName) | Evaluates collection event user's 'login name' |
| specimen | Collection Event User | eval("CollectedUser",#specimen.primarySpecimen.collectionEvent.user.emailAddress) | Evaluates collection event user's 'Email Address' |
Collection Protocol
| Specimen | CP custom field | custom_field("Field Name",cp,field_name) | Prints CP custom fields |