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Hide Derivatives
In order to add aliquots of different types compared to the parent, an intermediate derivative needs to be added. This is either added by you or by the system automatically. You may want to hide these intermediate derivatives from the specimen tree as they do not really exist in the biobank.
Admins can configure the below setting (hideDerivatives) in the CP or system workflows to hide superfluous/unwanted derived specimens in the tree:
{ "name": "specimenTree", "data": { "fields": ..., "hideDerivatives": true } }
Example: The code has to be configured in workflow JSON in the new section "specimenTree".
{ "name": "specimenTree", "data": { "hideDerivatives": true, "summaryDescTmpl": "<span><span ng-if=\"!specimen.status || specimen.status == 'Pending'\"> {{specimen.reqLabel}} </span><span ng-if=\"!!specimen.label\">{{specimen.label}}</span><span>(<os-specimen-type-prop specimen=\"specimen\" prop=\"abbreviation\"></os-specimen-type-prop>)</span></span>", "fields": [ { "name": "specimen", "caption": "Description", "type": "specimen-description", "width": "40%" }, { "name": "specimen.pathology", "baseField": "specimen.pathology" }, { "name": "specimen.initialQty", "baseField": "specimen.initialQty" }, { "name": "specimen.availableQty", "baseField": "specimen.availableQty" }, { "name": "specimen.storageLocation", "baseField": "specimen.storageLocation" } ] } }
Before configuring the JSON, the derivatives are visible in the specimen tree:
After configuring the JSON, the derivatives are hidden in the specimen tree, and aliquots are shown as immediate children:
Example JSON
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