Set default value for child based on value of parent/primary specimen
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Set default value for child based on value of parent/primary specimen

Using custom configuration, users can set the default value for the child based on the value of the parent/primary specimen.

Add the code in the dictionary after the "fields" section. This code is only works on the Add Specimen page where you are creating the child specimen and on nth step 

Example 1: Set default value for custom field 'Biobank Technician' at child specimens level based on selection of value at primary specimens level

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"onValueChange": {
          "specimen.extensionDetail.attrsMap.FC15": [
            "function(opts) {",
            "  angular.forEach(opts.viewCtx.spmnCtx.aliquots, ",
            "    function(aliquot) { ",
            "      var user = opts.fns.get(opts.object, opts.field);",
            "      opts.fns.set(aliquot, 'extensionDetail.attrsMap.FC15', user);",
            "    }",
            "  );",

Screenshot when the user selects the 'Biobank Technician' at Parent/Primary specimen level:

Screenshot when Biobank Technician automatically copied from primary/parent specimen level to aliquot level:

Example 2: Blank out related fields when updating the value for another field

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Added the value for TubeType= 'Serum Separator Vacutainer' and assigned the values below two fields.

1. "Cardiac Troponin I (ng/L)" = 'Test Data To Be Blanked' 
2. "Cardiac Troponin T (ng/L)"= 'Test Data To Be Blanked' 
Now I have to edit the specimen and change the 'TubeType' to ='EDTA Vacutainer', the values added for the above two fields get blanked using the below code.
"onValueChange" : {
                 "specimen.collectionEvent.container" : [ 
                  "function(opts) {", 
                    " var container = opts.fns.get(opts.object, opts.field);", 
                    " if (container != 'Serum Separator Vacutainer') {", 
                    " opts.fns.set(opts.object, 'specimen.extensionDetail.attrsMap.ST28', null);", 
                  " opts.fns.set(opts.object, 'specimen.extensionDetail.attrsMap.ST29', null);", 
" }", 
"}" ]

Example 3: Populate anatomic site as 'Blood' if specimen type is 'Plasma' or 'Lung, NOS' if specimen type is 'Fresh Tissue'

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"onValueChange" : {
                 "specimen.type" : [
                  "function(opts) {",
                    " var type = opts.fns.get(opts.object, opts.field);",
                    " if (type == 'Plasma') {",
                    " opts.fns.set(opts.object, 'specimen.anatomicSite', 'Blood');",
          " }",
					" else if (type == 'Fresh Tissue') {",
                    " opts.fns.set(opts.object, 'specimen.anatomicSite', 'Lung, NOS');",
          " }",
          "}" ]

Auto-selected 'Blood' if specimen type is 'Plasma':

Auto-selected 'Lung, NOS' if specimen type is 'Fresh Tissue':

Example 4: Copy/cascade the value of parent specimens to child specimens

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    "onValueChange" : {
      "specimen.createdBy" : [ "function(opts) {", "  var user = opts.fns.get(opts.object, opts.field); ", "  opts.viewCtx.setToAllChildren(opts.object, opts.field, user, true); ", "}" ],
      "specimen.createdOn" : [ "function(opts) {", "  var user = opts.fns.get(opts.object, opts.field); ", "  opts.viewCtx.setToAllChildren(opts.object, opts.field, user, true); ", "}" ]

Example JSON