Container Shipments CSV
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Container Shipments CSV

You can create shipment of containers holding specimens in bulk through a bulk operation.

Steps to import CSV

  1. Go to home page and click on 'Shipments' card
  2. Click on 'Import' button and select option 'Container Shipments' from shipments list page
  3. Click on 'Download Template File' link to download the template file
  4. Enter all valid data in the template file as mentioned in the below 'Data Dictionary' table
  5. Upload the filled template file in 'Input Records File' field, select 'Import Type' as 'Create' to create or 'Update' to update container shipments
  6. Click on 'Validate and Import' button
  7. Refer 'Import status' to check the status of import job

Sample CSV


Data Dictionary

Column Name






DescriptionPermissible ValuesValidations



System auto-generated unique number for every shipment

Can be left blank during add, this is used only during edit 
NameStringYesYesName of the shipment

Courier NameStringNoNoCourier name of the shipment

Tracking NumberStringNoNoTracking number of the shipment

Tracking URLStringNoNoTracking URL of the shipment

Sending SiteStringYesYesThe sending site of the shipment
Should exist within OS
Receiving SiteStringYesYes

The receiving site of the shipment

Should exist within OS
Shipped DateDate & TimeNoNoThe date on which the container is shipped from sending site

Sender CommentsStringNoNo

Received DateDate & TimeNoNoThe date on which the container is received at receiving site

Receiver CommentsStringNoNo

  • Shipped
  • Received

Sender#Email AddressEmail AddressNoNoEmail address of the sender
Should exist within OS
Receiver Name#Email AddressEmail AddressNoNoEmail address of the receiver
Should exist within OS
Shipment Item#QualityStringNoNo
  • Acceptable
  • Unacceptable

Shipment Item#Container#NameStringYesYesThe name of the container to be shipped

Shipment Item#Container#Storage Location#NameStringNoNoThe name of the container in which the received container is to be store
  1. Container specified should be existing
  2. Suitable to hold the container
  3. Should have available positions.

If left blank, the system will store the received container in the virtual container of that site.

Shipment Item#Container#Storage Location#RowStringNoNoRow position of the storage container

Shipment Item#Container#Storage Location#ColumnStringNoNoColumn position of the storage container

Shipment Item#Container#Storage Location#PositionStringNoNOLinear position in its parent container

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