Consents CSV
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Consents CSV

Using 'Consents' BO template, you can:

  • Create new responses for the list of participants
  • Update existing responses
  • Upload signed consent forms 

This template is used to save or update consents. This will update consents if it's already present else will add them.

Steps to import CSV

  1. Go to the collection protocols list page, click on the 'Import' button, and select option 'Biospecimen Data'. OR
  2. Go to participants list page of the CP whose participants' consent responses has to be added/updated, click on the 'More' button, and select option 'Biospecimen Data.'
  3. Select 'Consents' from 'Select Record Type' dropdown and click on 'Download Template File' to download the template file.
  4. Enter all valid data in the template file as mentioned in the 'Data Dictionary' table.
  5. Upload the filled template file in the 'Input Records File' field.
  6. Click on 'Validate and Import' button.
  7. Refer 'Import status' to check the status of the import job.

Sample CSV


Data Dictionary

Column Name

Permissible Values
CP Short TitleStringYes

PPIDStringYesThe participant for whom this consent is being added/updated

Consent DateDateYes

Select the correct date format from UI based on the data in the file

Consent CommentsStringNo

Consent StatementStringNoConsent Tier Statement defined in CP

Should be an existing consent statement as set up in the corresponding collection protocol. If this statement has a response for the participant, it will update with the new response.

Consent Statement Code

StringYesConsent Code used while creating the consent statement
Should be an existing consent code as set up in the corresponding collection protocol.
Consent ResponseStringNoPatient response to be saved
  • Yes
  • No
  • Not Specified
  • Withdrawn
  • None

Signed Consent Form

StringNoName of the consent document to be uploaded
This is used to upload the consent document. The document file name is specified in this column and the actual file is uploaded along with the CSV in a zip file. For more details refer to 'File Upload via BO'
Consent Witness#Email AddressStringNoThe email address of the witness

For multiple consents in single CPR add multiple rows with the same CP Short Title and PPID with other Consent Statement.

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