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Configure Anticipated/Pending Visits based on Participant Field
The anticipated/pending visits from the visit table are configurable based on specific values selected in one or more fields. These fields can be static or custom fields at the participant level.
Add the below-mentioned code block in the “visitsTab” section.
The “rule” specifies the participant criteria: In this case, “cpr.participant.gender “ is the field and “Female” is the value of that field. So, based on gender, visits are hidden and shown in the visit table.
The “events” specifies the list of events (codes) to be displayed.
Every time, the first matching rule is used. When no rules match, all the events are displayed.
If the event code is not specified, it will always be displayed in the anticipated visit table.
For Multi-select Custom fields
Below code can be used to set up the show/hide events based on multi-select field.
Rules can be set up to use events of: The first matching rule (matchType = any) OR All the matching rules (matchType = all).
The rule = "*” is a wildcard for catch all.
If no matchType specified/configured, the default setting “any” is considered.
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