Box Scanner Integration
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Box Scanner Integration


Starting with version 10.3, OpenSpecimen can be integrated with box scanners to support the following features:

  1. Associating barcodes with OpenSpecimen

  2. Managing specimens within a box (e.g., creating boxes, moving specimens, etc.)


  1. Save time (improve productivity): By scanning the whole box at once (instead of one tube at a time), you can greatly improve the productivity of end users.

  2. Reduce data entry errors

  3. Easier to manage boxes: The “rescan” feature allows to rearrange tubes in boxes in one-go when specimens are moved out or in a box.


<Rohan: TBD>


Box scanners are configured in the system-level JSON (Settings →Biospecimen→ System Workflow). Users can define a separate section viz. “box-scanners” and create multiple scanners for each combination of scanner, scanner profile, box types.

{ "name": "box-scanners", "data": { "scannedBoxField": "name", "scanners": [ { "type": "fluidx", "name": "Impression 24 posities", "instrument": "Impression", "profile": "OS_24.xtprof", "containerType": "48-Format SBS HighBase Rack 10 cm", "url": "http://localhost:3000/v1" }, { "type": "fluidx", "name": "Perception 24 posities", "instrument": "LE%20LF%20Perception", "profile": "OS_24.xtprof", "containerType": "48-Format SBS HighBase Rack 10 cm", "url": "http://localhost:3000/v1", "tubeGroupName": "rack", "boxGroupName": "rack" } ] } }


{ "name": "box-scanners", "data": { "scannedBoxField": "name", "scanners": [ { "type": "ziath_dp5", "name": "Cube 96 vial SBS rack", "containerType": "Micronic box", "containerUid": "1", "url": "http://localhost:9998/", "tubeGroupName": "rack", "boxGroupName": "rack" } ] } }




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