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Additional Features

Move Specimens from Cart to Request

You can also create a request for the selected specimens from the cart.

  • Select the specimens from the cart and click 'Actions' → 'Service Requests'.

  • Select an existing project or create a new project and submit it for approval.

  • If you select an existing project, you can add specimens to:

    • An existing request OR

    • Create a new request and submit it for approval.

Bulk Operations on Request Specimens

You can select specimens from the request and perform bulk operations on the specimens, e.g., edit, delete, create liquors, etc. For more details, refer to Bulk Operations On Specimens.

Export Records

OpenSpecimen allows you to export 'Requests Record' of a project.

To export this CSV file, go to the request list page and click 'Export'. The file would have all the necessary details of the requests like Request ID, Project, Requestor, Billing PI, Creation Date, Start Date, End Date, Approved By, Approval Date, Screening Notes, Assigned To, Specimens, and Status. A copy of the export record would also be sent by email to the project admin and principal investigator.

Example file:

Archive Project

Once all the requests in the project are completed and the project is no more in use, you can 'Archive' the project. The data of the archived project can be viewed and queried, however, the project can no longer be used to create requests. 

  • Go to the project overview page. 

  • Click the 'Archive' button from the top panel:

  • Provide the reason for archival and click 'Archive':

Add Custom Fields to Projects/Requests

To record additional information while creating projects and requests, you can attach the custom form to both project and request levels.


Project level Request Form


  • Navigate to the Project → Create/Edit → Once Project is created → Click on ‘Custom Fields’ button → Select the form that you wish to see while creating requests. You can create this form via the 'Forms' tab. Refer to 'Forms' for more details. 

  • Once the form is selected. Create ‘Request’ using ‘Create request’ button. As you can see, the Custom field: 'Specimen Addition Details’ on create page. 

System level Request Form

  • Navigate to the 'Forms' → Create a form → Attach it at the ‘Service Request Custom Field’ level. Refer to 'Forms' for more details. 

  • In the below image, you can see the custom field which is part of the form attached to the 'Service Request Custom Field’ level.

If no form is associated to the Project Custom Fields Form level, then the system uses the form attached at the ‘Service Request Custom Field’ level. 

Display Custom Fields based on value of other fields

You can display the custom fields based on certain default fields within a project or request.

Example 1: Display ‘Source of Materials' and 'Human Subject Source Location' only if the site is 'Tissue Procurement Core’.

Source of Materials and Human Subject Source Location: Custom fields at Project Custom Fields level

Services Site: A default field at the Project level


<showWhen><![CDATA[$ = "Tissue Procurement Core"]]></showWhen>

Example form XML file:

Example 2: Display ‘IRB Protocol #' only if the project site is 'Tissue Procurement Core’.

IRB Protocol #: Custom field at Service Request Custom Fields level


<showWhen><![CDATA[$extendedObj.$ = "Tissue Procurement Core"]]></showWhen>

Example 3: Display ‘IRB Protocol Title' only if the billing PI is Divya Prabhu.

IRB Protocol Title: Custom field at Service Request Custom Fields level


//Option 1: <showWhen><![CDATA[$extendedObj.billingPi.loginName = "divya.prabhu"]]></showWhen> //Option 2: <showWhen><![CDATA[$extendedObj.billingPi.firstName = "Divya" and $extendedObj.billingPi.lastName = "Prabhu"]]></showWhen> //Option 3: <showWhen><![CDATA[$extendedObj.billingPi.emailAddress = ""]]></showWhen>

Example form XML file:

Show Non-Specimen Requests (v10.0)

Display In Progress tasks per request (v10.0)


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