OC Sync
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OC Sync


Sync Data

Sync Data Using ‘OpenClinica Study Data Importer’ Job

The ‘OpenClinica Study Data Importer,’ job syncs data for all the projects configured in OS. If the user executes the job while the system-triggered job is already running, the user-triggered job does not run. There is only one entry in the job runs allowed at a given time, you can’t run two jobs in one CP at once.

The job can be configured to run minutely, hourly, daily, depending on the frequency to fetch the data.

When you execute the job and it completes, the data for CRFs, subjects (participants), visits, and specimens are fetched to OpenSpecimen. The status of the job can be Sucess, In Progress, or Failed.


If the job status is ‘Success,’ then the number of records fetched can be viewed in the ‘Import Logs’ section. If the job fails, then you can download a report that has appropriate error messages for failure.

Sync Data Using Synchronize Records

Using the 'Synchronize Records' option, you can run sync for individual protocols.

  1. From the CP settings menu, click on ‘OpenClinica Study Configuration’

2. Click on the 'More' → Synchronize Records option displayed on the below image.

3. Incremental Updates: Only the updates done since the last synchronization run will be fetched from the OC server.

4. All CRF Records: All CRF records of the study will be fetched from the OC server.

  1. Selected Subjects: Only the user specified subject records will be fetched from the OpenClinica server.

  1. Click on ‘Synchronize’.

  2. You can check the job history on the 'Import Logs' page.


Abort Running Job

You can abort the running job in case you wish to update any mapping or configuration details.

Go to the 'Import Logs' page and click on the highlighted option shown in the below image to abort the running job.

You will get a notification whether you wish to stop the running job or not. Click on 'Yes' to proceed.

Once the job is aborted, you will get a notification as 'Synchronization job aborted'.

You can see the ‘(Aborted)' message in the ‘End Time’ Column as well.

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