Email notifications
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Email notifications


OpenSpecimen sends email notifications to users of the system on various operations. For this to be enabled, the system administrator has to configure the email settings through the user interface.

To enable OpenSpecimen to send notifications, the appropriate values for the various properties under the ‘Email’ module of settings must be configured first. Refer ‘Module: Emails’ section for various properties and refer steps to configure those properties.

Follow the below steps to configure the email notifications settings:

  1. Log in as a super admin user.

  2. Click on the ‘Settings’ card from the home page.

  3. Click on the ‘Notifications’ module of settings.

  4. Click on any of the properties whose notification has to be enabled or disabled.

5. By default, all notifications are enabled. Select option ‘Enabled’ or ‘Disabled.’

6. If ‘Enabled’, the system will send an email notification; if ‘Disabled’, the system won't send the specific notification.

List of email notifications sent by the system

Definition of Recipients

All users linked with CP: All users who have a role assigned for that CP. You can review this by looking at User's -> Role tab or exporting the Role CSV from the Users page.

Site admin: All users, who have ‘Admin’ role in User’s → Role tab, for a specific site and ‘All current and future collection protocols’

IT admin: IT admin email address is mentioned in Settings --> IT administrator email address. This email address is optional and receives notifications for uncaught system errors

Administrator email address: Email address is mentioned in Settings --> ‘Administrator Email Address'. All the emails in the systems are CC’d to this email.









Collection Protocol

Create CP

This email notification is sent when any new collection protocol is created.

Super Admin

Site Admin

All users linked with CP

Collection Protocol

Clone CP

This email notification is sent when any collection protocol is created by cloning existing CP.

Super Admin

Site Admin

All users linked with CP

Collection Protocol

Delete CP

This email notification is sent when any collection protocol is deleted

Super Admin

Site Admin

All users linked with CP

Collection Protocol

Import CP

This email notification is sent when any CP is imported

Super Admin

Site Admin

All users linked with CP

Collection Protocol

Add/ Remove site from the CP

This email notification is sent when any site is assigned to CP or removed from the CP.

Site Admin of the CP

Collection Protocol

Add/ Remove PI from the CP

This email notification is sent when any user is assigned to CP as PI or removed from the CP.

PI user

Collection Protocol

Add/ Remove Coordinator from the CP

This email notification is sent when any user is added or removed from the CP.