| | | |
| Active User Login Days Criteria | A number of days elapsed since the last login before the user is considered as inactive. This is only used to calculate active users in dashboard. | 90 |
| Print Distribution Labels | Additional label can be printed during distribution. This can be used as a de-identified label for specimens when distributed to researchers. | Enabled/ Disabled |
| Relabel Shipment Specimens | Enable to allow editing of specimen labels when shipments are received as receiving sites might have a different label that they want to use. | Enabled/ Disabled |
| Download Labels Print File | Enable or disable downloading of specimen labels print integration data file. When enabled, a CSV file containing the specimens data to be printed on labels (stickers) is downloaded to the user computer. When disabled, the CSV file is not downloaded. This can be used to test print rules or if integration is not possible, this file can be manually fed to the printer. | Enabled/ Disabled |
| DP Expiry Reminder | A number of days prior to distribution protocol expiry when email notification should be sent to the PI. | 30 |
| Repeat DP Expiry Reminder | A number of days after which email notification should be repeated for distribution protocol expiry. E.g. If the values for DP Expiry reminder and Repeat DP expiry Reminder are set as 30 and 5, it will send 1 email every 5 days for 30 days prior to expiry. In total, it will send 6 notifications. | 5 |
| Order Specimens UI Limit | Maximum number of specimens whose details can be edited at the time of distribution using UI. This is useful for creating large orders like 1000s of specimens. Displaying large number of specimens on the order details page might take time and memory. To avoid this, you can restrict the number of specimens to display. | 100 |
V5.0 | Order Custom Fields Form | Identifier of custom form to be used as default custom fields form for distribution orders. | |
V5.0 | Store List Max Retries | The maximum number of attempts to execute store list before marking the store list as permanently failed. | 5 |
V5.0 | Store List Retry Interval | The time interval in hours to elapse between retry of failed store list executions. | 24 |
v4.1 | System LockDown** | To stop users from using OpenSpecimen except for Super Admins NOTE: This is useful to prevent users from login/performing any task when data to be migrated on the servers and the label autogeneration or MPI autogeneration is to turned off till the data is migrated. | Enabled/ Disabled |
| User Sign Up | Enable or disable users sign up feature. If admins do not want outside users to sign up to their instance and user accounts are always directly created by admins, this can be disabled. | Enabled/ Disabled |