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From v7.1, it is possible to design surveys and e-mail them to patients for filling out consents and participant forms. Users can configure these e-mails to be sent to patients based on certain specified conditions.
For example, if a participant's age is less than 18 years, and he is a 'Spanish' speaking native, a Spanish assent and surrogate form should be e-mailed to the participant.
You need an EDC plugin installed to use the survey mode option.
Participant forms and consent documents can be emailed.
The email template can be configured as per user needs.
Conditions on when to send the survey emails can be configured per survey.
Emails can be chained based on the conditions specified.
The frequency of reminders to be sent and the expiry of the link can be set up.
The survey invitation can be manually closed if a patient does decline and does not want to receive any more emails.
Surveys can be sent automatically if the specified condition matches participant information while registering.
Data Dictionary
Field | Description | Mandatory | Type |
Form | Drop-down having consent and participant forms. | Yes | Drop-down |
Title | A one-line description of the survey which appears on the survey list page | Yes | Single row text box |
Instructions | Text description that appears before participants start the survey | No | Text area |
Completion Message | Text description that appears after participants have completed filling in the survey | No | Text Area |
Email Subject | The subject line of the email to be sent to participants | Yes | Single row text box |
Email Content | Content of the email to be sent to participants. It can include the following variables to include the respective information: $surveyLink- Survey title, includes the link of the form to be filled in $surveyLinkText- Actual URL of the survey form to be filled $expiryTime- The final DateTime after which the link will be inactive
| Yes | Text Area |
Send Automatic Invites | Radio-button enabling sending surveys automatically as soon as a participant is registered | No | Radio-button |
Enable Chaining | Radio-button which enables chaining of forms to be filled one after the other by clicking on a single link | No | Radio-button |
Printing | Radio-button, which enables printing of survey after filling it via email or from OpenSpecimen. | No | Radio-button |
The rule for sending invites or chaining | Conditions that enable chaining of forms together and emailing the surveys automatically if the conditions match when a new participant is registered | Depends (mandatory only if 'Sending Automatic Invites' or 'Enable Chaining' is 'Yes') | Text Area |
Send Reminders Every | Frequency of the email to be sent either any day of the week or every 'X' days | No | Drop-down |
HH: MM | Timestamp at which the reminders will be sent on any day of the week | No | Timestamp |
Days | Used when reminders are to be sent every 'X' days | Depends (Mandatory only if the value of 'Send Reminders Every' field is 'X days' | Number |
Reminders Limit | No reminders will be sent after this number is reached per participant. | It depends (Mandatory only if the frequency of sending reminders is set) | Number |
Invitation Age | The validity of the email link | Yes | Number |
Begin Survey | Text fields are used to give the caption to the 'Begin Survey' button. It appears while filling the survey. | No | Text |
Next Survey | Text fields are used to give the caption to the 'Next Survey' button. It appears while filling the survey. | No | Text |
Print Survey | Text fields are used to give the caption to the 'Print Survey' button. It appears after filling the survey. | No | Text |
Configuring a new survey
Editing a survey
Cloning a survey
When you want to create many surveys with minimal or no changes, cloning saves the effort of copy-pasting the same information while creating each survey.
Cloning creates a new survey with the same configuration except for the form and the survey name. You need to select the form name from the drop-down and name the survey.
Cloning is beneficial while creating a chain of survey forms to be filled one after the other using the same link.
Chaining of surveys
Chaining allows users to add a set of surveys one after the other. When the patient completes one survey, s/he is taken to the next one and so on.
It is useful when multiple forms are to be filled up by participants falling under certain conditions, and all are needed to be filled in continuation using a single link.
Steps to chain one survey to another
Only the main survey should have 'Send Automatic Invites' as 'Yes.' The following surveys should have 'Send Automatic Invites' as 'No' so that individual links for these forms are not emailed.
Survey Status
The status of the survey forms emailed to participants can be viewed from the participant list page > More > Survey Invitations
Clicking on the 'Survey Invitations' will lead you to the list page of all invitations sent till now.
Columns | Description |
Participant | PPID of the participant along with the first name and last name |
Survey | Survey title of the emailed survey |
Creation Date | Date when the email was sent |
Completed By | Who completed the Survey. If it says 'System' means the survey completed by the patient itself. |
Completion Date | The date when the survey is completed |
Status | Present status of the survey invitation Completed: The patient has filled in the survey form. |
Close Invitation | 'X' icon on the extreme right side allows the user to close the pending invitation link. |
Users can filter the invitation using the above column.
Download survey invitation reports
From version v8.0, OpenSepcimen support to get the survey invitation report from the query module.
OpenSpecimen supports downloading the survey invitation reports based on the filters specified in the below table.
Navigate to participant List Page → More → Survey Invitations → Reports
Columns | Description |
Survey | Select the list of surveys you want the reports for. |
Status | Select the survey statuses that you want to generate the reports for |
Invitation Date | You can specify the start and end date of the survey. |
Reports | Invitation List: Provide the report with all the details (First Name, Last Name, Survey Name, etc.) e.g., Screenshot
Invitation Status Count: Generate count-based reports based on the survey status E.g., Screenshot
If you want to download all the survey reports; leave the Survey field and click on the download
Collecting Survey Responses
Users can collect responses for participant forms, consents while registering a participant. Based on the conditions defined in the surveys created for consents, the user will be redirected to the correct set of forms for the registered participant.
The survey responses can be collected in 2 modes:
as signed-in user: The user is not logged out of the application. Clicking on the 'Back' arrow from the browser window or the 'Sign In' option after filling the survey will redirect the user to the recently filled-in form. Login credentials are not required. This mode is used when survey responses are being collected by the
as a participant: User is logged out of the system. This is used when the device is handed over to the participants to fill in the survey forms. Clicking on the 'Sign In' option requires credentials.
Steps to proceed to appropriate consent(s)
Steps to proceed to participant/registration form level
Steps to proceed to visit form level
Audit trails for filled survey
You can track the audit trails for the filled consent survey as below. You can see the audit trails from the list page as below and the filled consent overview page.
In the below screenshot, you can see all the audits, who updated that consent form.
Emailing Surveys
There are three ways in which surveys can be emailed to participants:
Automatically, as soon as a participant matching the survey conditions is registered
Using bulk import participant registration
1. Automatic Survey Sending
When the user registers the participant with all the details, OpenSpecimen will check the survey validation(conditions) and send the particular survey based on that. See a few examples below.
In the above survey rule, the survey sends when users selected the English language while registering the patient.
In the above example, the survey will send when the patent age is greater than 18.
You can refer to the wiki page to see the examples for automatic invites.
2. Manually Survey Sending
by entering the PPIDs from the 'Survey Invitations'> 'Email Survey' option
by selecting multiple participants from the participant list page and clicking 'Email Survey.'
Note: When a user selects a survey which already been sent, OpenSpecimen shows the below warning.
Send to all: Send the selected survey to all the participants add/selected to the list.
Send to a participant without pre-existing invitation: Send survey only to that participant who does not send the same survey before.
This is how a survey email looks:
3. Send Survey using participant bulk import template
Users can use the participant bulk import template to register the participants in bulk and send the survey at the same time.
Pre-requisite: The user needs to provide the mandatory information in participant bulk import CSV to send the survey email. Like Email ID and the conditional field like Language, Date Of Birth, etc to validate which survey sends to which patient.
Example: In the below survey, the user needs to fill in the Email ID, Language, and Date of Birth information in the bulk import file. Once all the below rules are matched, the survey will send to participants automatically when the patient registers.
You can refer to the below bulk import template.
Configure the survey email
You can add the different participant fields to the survey email configuration. Below are the examples to add the fields.
Where to configure: Go to CP Settings→ Survey → Email Content
Below are the list fields you can configure on the survey email
Field | Decription |
| Shows first and last name |
| Shows first name |
| Shows last name |
| Shows date of birth |
| Show survey link |
| Show survey text |
| Show PPID |
Example Email:
Rule-Based Survey Email
It is possible to send email content based on a field value at the participant level
JSON: Show the latest survey status on the participant overview page
Add the below code to the JSON dictionary section; the below code shows the latest survey status among all the surveys sent for that participant.
"name" : "calcCpr.surveyStatus",
"caption" : "Survey Status",
"type" : "widget: os_survey_status"
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