Defining Data Validation
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Defining Data Validation

Data validations can be defined using JSON. The ‘editChecks’ section of the code must be inserted after the ‘dictionary’ section in the workflow JSON.

  1. The code has three parts - records, forms and rules

    1. records - Whenever any of these specified records are modified; the constraint rules should be evaluated/enforced. Refers to the fields at the data entry level for which the validation is to be applied. The value for records can be cpr, specimen, visit or a combination of these.

    2. forms - Optional field. If present, specifies the list of forms whose data is used to enforce the constraints.

    3. rules - List of integrity rules that should be satisfied by the records and forms.

  2. A ‘rule’ is made up of three attributes when, expr, and description.

    1. when: The attribute 'when' is optional and specifies when the rule is applicable. For example, the rule is applicable only for primary specimens

    2. expr: The attribute 'expr' specifies the check constraint that should be satisfied.

    3. description: The attribute 'description' describes the constraint in user-friendly language. This is also used in error messages when the rule is broken or not satisfied.

  3. Aliases for rules are - “cpr, visit, primarySpecimen, specimen”, which are self-explanator.

  4. Aliases for accessing the form records are cprForms, visitForms, primarySpecimenForms, specimenForms. These are maps that can be indexed by the form name to access the relevant form data. For example, specimenForms['SpecimenFrozenEvent'] can be used to access the latest frozen event. Similarly, specimenForms['SpecimenFrozenEvent$Array'] can be used to access the list of all the frozen events for the specimen in question.

Example: Visit date should be same or later than the registration date

For more examples, please refer to the wiki page Data Validation Examples
