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v9.0 Release Notes
We are happy to announce that v9.0 is ready for download! This release includes new features, usability enhancements, and bug fixes requested by customers.
New features include:
Pooled specimens
Draft & Publish mode for collection protocols
Processing Workflows
Database console to execute SQLs directly from UI
Inbuilt backup support
Improvements in Specimen centric CPs, Specimen Catalog, Distribution
Many other bug fixes and improvements
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Software/Hardware requirements
Review this page before upgrading for any changes: Software/Hardware Requirements.
Draft & Publish Mode for CPs
To meet certain standards of regulatory compliances, there should be a way to review protocol revisions before the changes are approved and published. In v9.0, when admins make any amends to a protocol, automatically the protocol changes to draft mode.
Until the admins publish the changes, the ‘DRAFT’ watermark is visible on all pages corresponding to the CP like participant, visit, specimen, forms pages etc.
All revisions that are done to the CP are visible as a history.
This feature is optional, can be enabled or disabled using ‘CP Revisions’ settings.
Refer to CP Revisions (v9.0) for more details.
Processing workflows
Reported by: University Medical Center Utrecht, Amsterdam University Medical Center
Admins can now design workflows for different collection and processing procedures. Each workflow can contain multiple tasks associated with each processing step. Tasks can be assigned to specific user groups.
For example, Serum Blood Processing can be defined as a workflow that consists of tasks to receive blood tubes, rest the tubes for certain duration, spin at specific speed & duration, process into serum aliquots, and store.
Other features of workflows:
Every step or task in the workflow can consist of different data fields or operations to perform
Defaults can be set at every task level
Deviations from the standard tasks can be tracked and reasons captured
Specific tasks can be skipped
Tasks can include printing labels
Refer to Workflows for more details.
This is a paid plugin. Please contact us if you are interested to get a quote for this module.
Pooled Specimens
Reported by: Amsterdam University Medical Center
It is now possible to merge two specimens into one using the ‘Pool’ specimen feature. This allows to select more than two specimens and merge into single specimen which can be further stored or processed. This is a common procedure in blood processing workflow. Pooling option is available in multiple pages like cart, specimen list, visit page, etc.
Pooled specimens are indicated with ‘Pink’ status and pooled events.
Refer to Pooled Specimens for more details.
Database Console via UI
Reported by: Multiple Centers
Super admins can now direct SQLs from OpenSpecimen UI. This is limited to Describe, Insert, Update, Delete operations. This is useful for admins to undo delete of records, reset label sequence, check query slowness etc.
Refer to Database Console for more details.
Inbuilt backup support
Super admins can create DB backups from the UI now. This creates backup file of both the database and the data directory. This is useful in case admins want to backup before upgrades, major data uploads or taking regular backups.
Logs are generated and email notification is sent if the backup fails.
Improvement in Specimen Centric CPs
Reported by: Columbia University Irving Medical Center
Specimen Centric Collection Protocols(CP) now support defining specimen requirements to allow users to pre-define commonly collected specimens and the processing procedures. This will allow users to collect specimens as per CP.
Refer to Specimen Centric CP for more details.
Catalog enhancements
Reported by: University of Adelaide
Catalogs can now be assigned to specific user groups. This will allow restricting access to a set of users for private Catalogs. If the Catalog is not assigned to user group, it is accessible to all users who have Catalog read access.
Refer to Requesting Specimensarchived for more details.
Bugs & Enhancements
Below are some other fixes implemented in v9.0:
Description | Reported by |
Krishagni Solutions | |
Specimens continue to remain in reserved status upon deleting the DP | FIND |
University of Pittsburgh | |
Multiple Centers | |
All Improvements and Bugs
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