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Get Matching Participants
Use this API to search the database that match one or more of the matching field. Typically, you should use this API is before adding a new participant to check if the participant is already present in the database.
Parameter | Details |
lastName | Last name of the participant. Used in conjunction with birthDate. |
uid | Country specific social security or national ID of the participant. For example, in US, this could be SSN. In India, this could be Aadhar number / PAN etc |
birthDate | Participant's date of birth. Used in conjunction with lastName. |
pmi | Participant's MRN and name of site that assigned the MRN. Refer below example for the field structure. |
empi | Enterprise wide unique ID assigned to the participant. |
reqRegInfo | Boolean specifying whether the registration details of matched participants needs to be populated in response. By default, the value of this flag is false. |
Use this URL to find matching participants in OpenSpecimen database.
The response of this matching request is either an empty array or list of matched participants.
Below is the example of the match participants request-response:
URL | http[s]:<host>:<port>/openspecimen/rest/ng/participants/match |
Method | POST |
content-type | application/json |
Method | POST |
Body | { "lastName" : "Dep", "pmi" : { "mrn" : "324r6", "siteName" : "Lab2" } , "uid" : "123-45-6789", "reqRegInfo": true } |
Response | [ { "matchedAttrs": ["pmi", "uid"] "participant": { "lastName" : "Dep", "pmis" : [{ "mrn" : "324r6", "siteName" : "Lab2" }], "uid" : "123-45-6789" "id" : "1", /** other participant attributes **/ /* registeredCps array is populated only if reqRegInfo = true in matching request */ "registeredCps": [ { "cpShortTitle": "Lung Cancer", "registrationDate": 1437282466892, "ppid": "LC-007", "cprId": 17018 } /* other registrations, if any */ ] } ] |
Error Cases :
code | Applies to | Status Message |
200 | All resources | Matching request executed successfully |
400 | All requests | Invalid input parameters. Retrying request with correct parameter values might succeed. |
401 | All requests | Authorization failed. User doesn’t have rights to find matching participants. |
500 | All requests | Server error. Retrying request might not succeed. |
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