Update Participant
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Update Participant

The update participant API has been removed starting v5.0. The API was inadvertently exposed to the users. Please use Update Registration API instead.


Use this resource to update an existing participant's details in the OpenSpecimen application. Use HTTP PUT method to call this API by passing the below details in JSON format.

Here participant_id refers to the actual identifier of the participant to which user wants to update/modify.

Below are the attributes which need to be sent in the request body:

firstNameFirst name of the participant
middleNameMiddle name of the participant
lastNameLast name of the participant
uidUnique identifier of participant e.g Social Security Number
birthDatedate of birth of participant
vitalStatusVital status of the participant.
deathDatedate of death participant

gender of the participant, permissible values are

{Male Gender, Female Gender, Unknown, Unspecified}


Patient's racial origination, permissible values are:

{American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, Not Reported, Unknown, White}

ethnicity (Prior to v4.0)

ethnicities (From v4.0)

Patient's ethnicity status. permissible values are:

{Hispanic or Latino, Not Hispanic or Latino, Not Reported, Unknown}

Note: Starting v4.0, ethnicity is a multi-value field in Participant.


The genetic constitution of the individual; the characterization of the genes. Permissible values are:

{XX Genotype, XY Genotype, XXX, Klinefelter’s Syndrome, XXXY syndrome, XXYY syndrome, Mosaic including XXXXY, Penta X syndrome}

pmiscollection of Participant's medical record number used in their medical treatment.
mrnParticipant's medical record number used in their medical treatment.
siteNameName of the physical location.
empiAny other unique identifier for patient, like enterprise master patient index number


Use this URL to update the participant for the given identifier.


The response of this request will contains the details of the updated participant.

Below is the example of the update participant:

  "firstName" : "Jhon",
  "gender" : "Male Gender",
  "lastName" : "Dep",
  "pmis" : [ 
	{ "mrn" : "324r6",
      "siteName" : "Lab2"
  "race" : [ "Asian" ],
  "ethnicities" : [ "Hispanic or Latino"],
  "uid" : "123-45-6789"
  "firstName" : "John",
  "gender" : "Male Gender",
  "id" : "1",
  "lastName" : "Depp",
  "pmis" : [ { "mrn" : "324r6",
        "siteName" : "Lab2"
      } ],
  "race" : [ "Asian" ],
  "ethnicities" : [ "Hispanic or Latino"],
  "uid" : "123-45-6789",
  "activityStatus" : "Active"

Error Cases :

Applies to
Status Message
200All resourcesParticipant registered successfully
400All requestsInvalid parameters, e.g  duplicate SSN, duplicate MRN etc
401All requestsAuthorization failed, User doesn’t have privileges to register Participants
404All requestsParticipant not found, Participant with the given identifier is not present in the system
500All requestsInternal server error, Encountered server error while performing operations

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