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The purpose of this page is to track all the changes effected to the API request/response payloads including newly added APIs.
The baseline for this changelog is OpenSpecimen v10.2 build.
v10.3 Changes (Work in progress)
HTTP Method | API URL | Module | Change Description | New API? |
POST | /sessions/otp | Authentication | Generate OTP for email based OTP login | Yes |
POST | /sessions/verify-otp | Authentication | Verify the user entered OTP to determine whether the user should be allowed access to views/data that requires authentication | Yes |
GET | /collection-protocols?onlyParticipantConsentCps | Biospecimen | A new filter to list the CPs that have participant level consents enabled. | No |
PUT | /collection-protocols/{cpId}/source | Biospecimen | Update the CP to source the participant consents from another CP. | Yes |
GET, POST, PUT | /collection-protocol-registrations | Biospecimen | Added fields to capture the participant phone number, consents to receive email or text messages | No |
POST | /storage-containers/empty-places | Container | API to find empty places suitable for storing the boxes. The input to the API can include one or more of the following restrictions - container type, freezer, collection protocol, minimum count of free spaces etc | Yes |
POST | /storage-containers/create-hierarchy | Container | It is mandatory to specify the names of the container when creating hierarchy using a type without name format. | No |
POST | /container-types | Container | Ability to create dimensionless container types. | No |
GET | /specimens /storage-containers | Container | Included the site where the container or specimen is located. Storage location includes the container name, row, column and site details | No |
GET | /shipments/{id}/containers | Shipment | Included the effective restrictions (CP, types, classes) applicable on the shipment container. Effective restrictions: assigned restrictions or inherited restrictions. | No |
POST PUT | /shipments /shipments/{id} | Shipment | Request shipments of container or specimens. | No |
POST PUT | /query-folders /query-folders/{id} | Query | Added setting to indicate whether the folder can be edited by the users whom it is shared with. | No |
GET | /query/export?fileId=<fileId> | Query | Appended the current timestamp in yyyyMMdd_HHmmss format to the exported query ZIP file and CSV file entry within the ZIP file. Example: QueryResults_20240122_081616.zip query_7218_20240122_081402.csv | No |
GET | /saved-queries?userId=<userId> | Query | Added a new filter to list saved queries by the users who created them. Super admins can list any users' queries. Institute admins can list only their institute users' queries. For other users, this filter is no-op. | No |
GET | /rest/ng/forms/<FORM-ID>/data/<ID> | Form data API | The API now exchanges actual PV values as displayed in the UI. This change allows users to create branching and conditional expressions using PV display values directly. | No |
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