v4.0 Release Notes
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v4.0 Release Notes


Enterprise version: http://www.openspecimen.org/marketplace/v4-0/
Community version: https://github.com/krishagni/openspecimen/tree/v4.0


Enterprise version: Email contact@openspecimen.org
Community version: forums.openspecimen.org

Major features in this release

Community version

Bulk participant registrationFIND DiagnosticsPre-register multiple participants at once and pre-print labels for preparing for specimen collection.
Kit managementFIND DiagnosticsManage collection kits per protocol and send kits to collection sites with pre-printed labels for multiple participants at once.
Validate specimens before distributed/shipping using barcode scannerFIND DiagnosticsValidate the specimens being sent against the specimens in the list in OpenSpecimen to make sure correct specimens are sent out of the lab.
Consent coding and consent verification during distributionMany Centers
  • Manage standard consents at system level and reuse same consents across protocols.
  • Set consents at distribution protocol level to validate the consents before distribution
Support for specimen centric studiesMany CentersCollect specimens without link to participants and visits
Distribution protocols and bulk import privilegeMany Centers
  • Ability to assign distribution protocol management privilege to non super admins
  • Ability to restrict who can do bulk import of any data in the system
New query date functions: Today, Yesterday, Last N days etc.Johns HopkinsPerform temporal queries with date range functions to get specimens and participants data based on different date fields like collection date, birth date, registration date etc.
Display participant, visits, specimens counts in query results viewUT Southwestern
Support for multiple ethnicities and diagnosisUniversity of New South Wales/University of Auckland
  • Ability to capture multiple ethnicities per participant
  • Ability to capture multiple diagnosis per visit

Enterprise version

GelsUniversity of UtahUpload DNA gels along with image
Specimen catalogUT Southwestern
  • Display counts of participant, visits and specimens in the catalog view
  • Support for multiple catalogs within one instance of OpenSpecimen
SDEDurrer Cancer Center, Amsterdam / BBMRI-NL
  • Support for studies without participants details
  • Create boxes and specimens in one go under single screen or bulk import
  • Set default catalog to display a default dashboard as landing page when OpenSpecimen URL is hit

Community call recording

OpenSpecimen monthly community call recording demoing v4.0 features can be found here - https://youtu.be/5p-XNL_uhy0

Bug Fixes

key summary reporter reporting center

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