Get Registrations
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Get Registrations

Request Body
  "cpId": <collection protocol ID>,
  "registrationDate": <registration date>,
  "ppid": <ppid>,
  "externalSubjectIds":[ <Comma separated values of external subject identifiers> ],
  "name": <participant first name or last name>
  "dob": <birth date>,
  "participantId": <MRN or eMPI orSSN or any national ID>,
  "specimen" <specimen label or barcode>,
  "includeStats": <true|false>,
  "startAt": <startAt | 0>,
  "maxResults": <maxResults | 100>
Response BodyList of registered participants that match the query criteria.


cpIdID of the collection protocol whose participants are to be returned.
registrationDateList of participants registered to the CP on date specified by this parameter value.
nameParticipants whose first name or last name contains this parameter value as a substring.
ppidMatches participants by PPID. Exact or substring match is specified by exactMatch parameter.
externalSubjectIdsMatches participants by external subject ID. Need to specify an array of external subject IDs. e.g. "externalSubjectIds":["KW001"]
participantIdParticipants whose UID / eMPI / MRN contains this parameter value as a substring.
dobParticipants whose birth date is on the date specified by this parameter value.
specimenParticipants whose specimen labels or barcodes contains this parameter value as a substring.
startAt startAt and maxResults are useful in implementing pagination of participants list. When not specified, startAt defaults to 0. When startAt = n, the first element of the response is (n + 1)th participant satisfying the query criteria.

startAt and maxResults are useful in implementing pagination of participants list. This parameter specifies how many participant records should be included in the API response. When not specified, maxResults defaults to 100. 

When startAt = n and maxResults = 25, then the API response includes participants (n + 1), (n + 2), ... (n + 25) of the participants list sorted by their database generated registration IDs.

includeStatsBoolean specifying whether participant statistics like visits, specimens count should be included in the response

Specifies whether the PPID should be exact match or sub-string match. Boolean true means exact match. Otherwise it is substring match.

Given below is an example of API call request body to retrieve first 25 participants whose name is "John" registered to the collection protocol with ID = 16.

POST <app-url>/rest/ng/collection-protocol-registrations/list
  "cpId": 16,
  "name": "john",
  "startAt": 0,
  "maxResults": 25

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