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Get Consents
Use this resource to retrieve the existing consent responses from OpenSpecimen application. Use HTTP GET method to call this API.
Here cpr_id refers to the actual identifier of the registration for which you wants to retrieve the consent responses.
Use this URL to retrieve the consent response for the given registration id.
The response of this request will contains the details of the response submitted by the participant.
Below is the example of the update participant:
URL | http[s]:<host>:<port>/collection-protocol-registrations/4/consents |
Method | GET |
content-type | application/json |
response | { "cprId": null "cpId": null "ppid": null "consentDocumentUrl": null "consentSignatureDate": null "witness": { "id": 1 "firstName": "Admin" "lastName": "Admin" "loginName": "admin@admin.com" "domain": "openspecimen" "emailAddress": "admin@admin.com" "admin": true "cpCount": 0 "creationDate": null } - "consentTierResponses": [ 1]0: { "statement": "Allow to use the sample for research" "response": "Yes" } "consentDocumentName": null } |
Error Cases :
code | Applies to | Status Message |
200 | All resources | Participant registered successfully |
401 | All requests | Authorization failed, User doesn’t have privileges to register Participants |
404 | All requests | Participant not found, Participant with the given identifier is not present in the system |
500 | All requests | Internal server error, Encountered server error while performing operations |
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