Create Derived Specimen Requirement
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Create Derived Specimen Requirement

This API is used to create derived specimen requirements.

  "code": "PL",
  "specimenClass": "Fluid",
  "type": "Plasma",
  "anatomicSite": "Not Specified",
  "laterality": "Not Specified",
  "pathology": "Not Specified",
  "quantity": 10,
  "concentration": 1.1,
  "labelFmt": null


HTTP Status Code
200The derived specimen requirement is created and is assigned a unique ID. The response body contains the requirement details along with the unique ID. This unique ID can be used later to update, retrieve or create aliquots.
400Something incorrect with the request. The response body contains the error code and the human readable error message.
500Something wrong with the server. Please contact support along with the request payload and exception stack trace.

Request Parameters

codeUnique code assigned to the specimen within the event/visit. Useful in generation of specimen labels, generating collection reports, and bulk importing planned specimen records. For this, CP coding setting needs to be enabled.
specimenClassSpecimen class. Fluid, Cell, Molecular, Tissue.
typeSpecifies the type of specimen. Example: Whole Blood, Fresh Tissue etc. The value should be one of the allowed values configured in the PV list for specimen type.
anatomicSiteThe part of the body from which the specimen was retrieved. Example Cerebrum, Liver etc


The side of the part from which the specimen was retrieved. Example - Left, Right etc
pathologyIndicates whether the specimen is cancerous. Example - Malignant, Non-Malignant etc
quantityQuantity of specimen to be collected. Example: 10 ml of Whole Blood
concentrationMostly relevant for molecular specimens like DNA, RNA to determine the purity of samples.

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