Create Aliquot Requirements
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Create Aliquot Requirements

Use this API to create one or more aliquot requirements from a given parent requirement.

  "code": "PL",
  "noOfAliquots": 5,
  "qtyPerAliquot": 2


HTTP Status Code
200                                 The aliquot requirements are created and assigned a unique ID. The response body contains the aliquot details along with their unique IDs.                                                                                            
400                                            Something incorrect with the request. The response body contains the error code and the human readable error message.
500Something wrong with the server. Please contact support along with the request payload and exception stack trace.

Request Parameters

parentReqIdParent specimen requirement ID.
codePrefix of unique code assigned to each aliquot. Example: If code is PL, then first aliquot is assigned PL1, second aliquot is assigned PL2 and like that.
noOfAliquotsNumber of aliquots to create.
qtyPerAliquotQuantity of each aliquot.
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