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Create a new PV dropdown
Use this resource URL to create PV dropdown.
attribute | A unique ID for the dropdown. |
name | A unique name of the dropdown. |
definition | A definition for the dropdown. |
Use this URL to add to create a new PV dropdown.
The response to this request will contain the details of the added new PV dropdown.
Below is an example of adding a PV dropdown:
URL | http[s]:<host>:<port>/openspecimen/rest/ng/permissible-values/attributes |
Method | POST |
Request | application/json |
Request Payload | {
"attribute": "spsz",
"name": "Specimen Size",
"definition": "The sizes of the specimen stored in repository"
} |
Response | {
"attribute": "spsz",
"name": "Specimen Size",
"definition": "The sizes of the specimen we are storing in repository",
"pvCount": null
} |
code | Applies to | Status Message |
200 | All resources | A new PV dropdown has been created successfully. |
400 | All requests | Invalid parameters. |
401 | All requests | Authorization failed, user doesn’t have authority |
500 | All requests | Internal server error, encountered server error while performing operations. |
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