Updating specimens of a Specimen-List.
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Updating specimens of a Specimen-List.


This page contains documentation on updating the specimen list items.

Request Details


Identifier of the specimen.

operationCan be one of the following. UPDATE , REMOVE , ADD . Using UPDATE will clear off the existing list of specimens and add the new specimens specified in payload. Using ADD will append the specimens to existing list of specimens. Using REMOVE will remove the specimens mentioned in payload from the existing list. This field is optional, if this field is not mentioned, default value is taken as UPDATE.
Request PayloadIs list of Specimen identifiers.


Endpoint and Payload details

The response of this request will contain the summary of specimens belong to specimen list identified by 'specimenListId'. It contains summary of specimens belonging to a specimen-list in case of UPDATE operation. In case of ADD operation the response is summary of specimens that have been newly added, similarly in case of REMOVE response is summary of specimens which have been removed from the list.


Request[ 15, 16, 17]



        "id": 15,

        "label": "SSCP Spec 1213"



        "id": 16,

        "label": "SSCP Spec 1214"



        "id": 17,

        "label": "SSCP Spec 1215"



Error Cases

Applies to
Status Message
200All resourcesSpecimen-list has updated successfully.
400All requestsInvalid parameters, i.e. invalid specimen-list id.
401All requestsAuthorization failed, User doesn’t have Authority.
500All requestsInternal server error, Encountered server error while performing operations



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