Visit Data Entry In Online Mode (v2 version)
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Visit Data Entry In Online Mode (v2 version)

Planned Visit

Steps: To add/edit the visit.

Participant overview page ('Overview') → Swipe right to the ‘Visits’ tab → Click on the 'T0D: Baseline' (event name) on the ‘Visits’ list view page.

Do the data entry on the ‘Add Visit’ page. Once done with data entry, click on the ‘SAVE’ option. Once you save the data, the mobile application will redirect to the visits overview page.

Unplanned Visit

Steps: To add/edit the visit.

Participant overview page ('Overview') → swipe right to the ‘Visits’ tab → Click on the ' + ' sign on the ‘Visits’ list page.

Do the data entry on the ‘Add Visit’ page. Once done with data entry, click on the ‘SAVE’ option. Once you save the data, the mobile application will redirect to the visits overview page.

Note: Pending visits appear with a yellow color dot. The collected visit appears with a green color dot, as shown below.

Repeat Visit

To collect the 2nd visit of any existing visit, you have to click the ‘Repeat’ icon beside the visit, as shown in the below screenshot.

Collect a Visit By Scanning Barcode

You can collect a visit by scanning a barcode of a particular participant.

Collection Protocol → Click on participant → Slide to visit tab → Click on the ‘+' sign or planned visit → Click on the camera icon beside the ‘Name’ field→ scan the barcode → Click on 'SAVE.’

To configure the scanning feature, refer to https://openspecimen.atlassian.net/wiki/x/L4DnQw.

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