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This feature allows biobanks to create a 'Contact Us' form on the login screen. This can be used for the public to contact the biobank for a new project, new user training requests, general queries, etc.

The form's contents can be configured as per the biobank's needs.


  1. Create a request form as per the requirement using the Forms module. Refer to Forms (Post v8.0) for more details about Forms.

  2. Create a new Catalog and select the 'Request Form' option in the "Display" field.




Display the title of the catalog


Description of the catalog. It will be displayed on the catalog page.


This option allows users to control the contents of the catalog.

Select the 'Request Form' option for the Contact us feature.

Item Details Query

This query is configured by biobanks and used to 

  1. Display the requested specimens to the request managers.

  2. Attach CSV in the email notifications to the request managers and requestors (OpenSpecimen users only).

This query must include the 'Specimen > Identifier' column in the results view.

Request Form

This custom form is the "request form" that the researchers must fill out during request submission.

Each catalog can have its request form.

Request Managers

One or more users who:

  1. Will receive an email notification when a new request is created.

  2. Can view, approve or reject the requests.

Requires Login?

If 'Yes' is selected, the researchers must log in to access the catalog. If not, then the catalog can be accessed publically.

User Groups

Applicable for private catalogs.

Only this "User Group" user can access the catalog if configured. If no user group is selected, the catalog is accessible to all OpenSpecimen users.

This is useful if users restrict the catalog to a subset of users.

Show App Buttons?

It hides buttons like 'sign in' or 'sign up on top of the page.

This is useful for the public catalog to give a clean user interface where researchers are not distracted by unwanted buttons.

Help URL

Users can create a catalog-specific Wiki or SharePoint page to document how the researchers can use this catalog.

A help button will appear beside the catalog's name.

  1. Navigate to the 'Catalog' → fill in the details displayed in the below image → Create.

  2. In the system 'Settings', search for 'Contact us' and set the catalog id. The user will get the id in the browser’s URL when the user is on the catalog's overview page.

  3. Once the user configures the 'Contact Us' catalog, it will be displayed on the login screen as below.

    On Clicking 'Contact Us', the user will navigate to the 'Request Form' screen, where the user can put the request.

  4. When a user submits the Contact Us form, an email notification is sent to the 'Request managers' in the catalog. Users can also view past submissions within the catalog ‘View Request’ option.

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