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Patient Mode
It is possible to design patient mode for filling out participants, and visit forms. This feature helps when patients fill the form details. In this case, once they fill the provided form and submit they won’t be able to access any else data from the app.
Participant Level
Login into the mobile app → Select the Collection Protocol (under which you wish to do data entry) → Select participant (for which the form will be filled) → Navigate to the ‘Forms' Tab → Click on '+’ sign and select the form for which you wish to do data entry.
2. After form selection you will receive pop up to select whether the data entry is done by user or patient.
3. If "User" (Signined in user) is selected, then the data entry will happen as same as regular forms data entry.
4. If "Participant" is selected, then patient data entry mode is triggered, and once data entry is done, the app logs off and show the login screen directly. In this case, patient can’t access any else data via app.
Visit Level
Login into the mobile app → Select the Collection Protocol (under which you wish to do data entry) → Select participant (for which the form will be filled) → Select the collected visit → Navigate to the ‘Forms' Tab → Click on '+’ sign and select the form for which you wish to do data entry.
2. After form selection you will receive pop up to select whether the data entry is done by user or patient.
3. If "User" (Signined in user) is selected, then the data entry will happen as same as regular forms data entry.
4. If "Participant" is selected, then patient data entry mode is triggered, and once data entry is done, the app logs off and show the login screen directly. In this case, patient can’t access any else data via app.
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