From v10.2 onwards, on the JSON-configured overview page, calculated fields can be used to display the hyperlinked URLs.
If the URL for the record is ‘ ', you need to configure displayExpr as '{{cpr.cpId} }/participants/{{}}/detail/overview’
//Example Code { "name" : "calcSpecimen.computedUrl", "caption" : "Specimen overview page", "type" : "text", "displayExpr" : "{{cpr.cpId}}/participants/{{}}/visits/specimens/detail/overview?specimenId={{}}&visitId={{specimen.visitId}}", "linkText" : "View Image" }
On the user interface, the field will be displayed hyperlinked.
Below is the list of fields that are available to be used in the JSON
Field | Syntax |
Collection Protocol Identifier | cpr.cpId |
Participant Registration Identifier | |
Participant Identifier | |
Visit Identifier | specimen.visitId |
Specimen Identifier | |